View submitted participation plans

Information for agency users on how to view participation plans submitted by bidders.

Participation plans completed by bidding suppliers can be viewed in detail and managed by all agency users with an account. To view the records in detail:

  1. Click on “Participation Plans” on the dashboard. 
  2. Just like the Participations Plan Requirements page, the page is divided into 2 sections to indicate participation plans received by the logged-in user on top and the participation plans received by other users within the agency in the bottom section. Both tables identify:
    • The participation plan reference number (generated by the portal)
    • The contract reference
    • The supplier’s name
    • The status of the plan, which may be identified as:
      • Submitted – indicating the plan has been completed but not yet assessed by the agency.
      • Successful participation plan submitted – pending WA Industry Link review – indicating the plan has been identified by the procuring agency as the winning bidder’s plan and is now with WA Industry Link to confirm receipt.
      • Clarification requested – a question has been raised with the contents of the plan by either WA Industry Link or the procuring agency which needs to be addressed by the supplier.
      • Active – the plan has been received by WA Industry Link and reporting is not yet due.
      • Cancelled – the requirement to submit a participation plan has been cancelled by the procuring agency.
      • Reporting Completed – reporting has been completed.
      • Estimated contract completion date
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