Apply for a participation plan exemption

Information for agency users on how to apply for a participation plan exemption.

If there is reason to believe a tender is eligible for a participation plan exemption, follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard, click “Apply for a Participation Plan Exemption”. The Exemption application form has conditional questions based on the exemption category selected. For all exemption categories other than CUA / Agency Panel Contract. In the form, provide:
    • The Procurement Agency Name and Agency Contact Information (prefilled based on user signed in)
    • Estimated contract value (including GST)
    • Estimated commencement and completion date
    • Tender title
    • Tender reference number
    • Estimated date of tender
    • Nature of Tender
    • Identify if the contract cover location is Metro, state-wide or regional
    • Provide a summary of the purpose of the procurement
    • Identify the reason the agency is applying for an exemption from a Participation Plan 
    • Provide evidence or research that supports the reason for the exemption application
    • Confirm the agency will commit to requiring the contractor to report on the outcomes of the contract.
  2. If the exemption category selected is CUA/Agency Panel Contract, provide:
    • The project’s estimated total contract value (including GST)
    • The expected contract duration (years)
    • Extension Options
    • Estimated number of suppliers to be contracted
    • How the panel will be established
    • Identify if there will be any regionally based suppliers on the panel
    • Identify if the value the individual procurement from the arrangement might exceed the WAIPS threshold.
    • Identify if any individual procurement that meets the WAIPS threshold criteria; and where the panel buying rules specify that the procurement must go to competitive tender (either from within the panel members or open), a participation plan should be included as a weighted criteria in the selection process. Note whether the agency will commit to the inclusion of a participation plan. 
  3. Once the form is completed, click “Next”.
  4. The page will navigate to view the exemption request cover letter. Details are prefilled based on the details provided in the exemption application form. 
  5. To update the any of these details, click “Back to edit” and update the contract details section in the exemption request form.
  6. If the details in the cover letter are correct, click “Next” to review a summary of the Exemption Request.
  7. To generate a Word version of the request and cover letter, click “Generate File”, located in the bottom left corner of the screen. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm generating this file, click "Proceed". This will enable the “Click to download” button. Click this button to download the document to your computer.

If a copy of the request is required after submission, contact WA Industry Link.

Edit an unsubmitted exemption request

Progress in the application and cover letter can be saved and returned to at any time before submission to WA Industry Link. 

  1. Click “Next” and review the summary page. If all details are correct, click “Agree and Submit Exemption Request”. There is no need to send a signed copy of the letter to WA Industry Link.
  2. If edits to the request are needed, click “Back to edit”.
  3. When the request is submitted the exemption will appear in the exemption request table with the status Pending Approval. The table shows:
    • Tender reference number
    • Exemption reference number (listed under Name)
    • Tender title
    • Contact Person
    • Status
    • Submitted date
    • Approved date
  4. An email receipt will be sent confirming the application has been submitted.
  5. Once the outcome of the application is determined, an email confirmation will be sent with the outcome. If the application was approved, the email will include a link to be shared with the winning bidder(s) to register for reporting against that tender. This link will also be available from within the agency dashboard in the "View details" page of the approved exemption request.

Cancel exemption request

An agency user can cancel the exemption request at any time before suppliers register for reporting. The user must click on “Cancel Exemption Request”, and they will be directed to enter a cancellation reason and confirm cancellation.

A list of cancelled Exemption Requests can be accessed by clicking on “View Cancelled Exemption Requests” link from the main dashboard.

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