View and filter participation plan requirements

Learn how to view and filter tenders for which participation plans have not yet been submitted to WA Industry Link.

View participation plan requirements

  1. Click on the “Participation Plan Requirements” tab from the top navigation bar.
  2. The page is broken up into 2 sections: The top section indicates participation plan requirements created by the logged-in user. The bottom section displays all participation plan requirements created by all users registered under the agency’s account. 
  3. The 2 tables provide a quick view of the following information:
    • Tender reference number
    • Contact person. This is typically the user profile who created the participation plan requirement.
    • The status of the plan, indicated by:
      • Tender Not Yet Open
      • Tender Open
      • Tender Closed
      • Reporting Completed
      • Cancelled
    • The number of participation plan’s completed associated with the tender
    • Tender opening date
    • Tender closing date
    • Tender title   
  4. Both lists of participation plan requirements can be individually viewed by a filtered status or by the contact person listed on the requirement.

Filter by status

View by status contains status types relating to the progress of a participation plan requirement and enables the filtering of all submitted requirements.

  1. Click on the down arrow in the “View By Status” bar on the top right-hand side of the Participations Plan Requirements list. 
  2. Choose from one of the following options:
    • Tender Not Yet Open
    • Tender Open
    • Tender Closed
    • Reporting Completed
    • Cancelled
  3. Select the status to filter by and then click the “Apply” button.

Filter by contact person

View by Contact Person enables filtering of all participation plan requirements created under the agency by the user who submitted the requirements.

  1. Click on the “View By Contact Person” bar on the top right-hand side of the Participation Plans Requirements list. 
  2. Type the user’s name into the search bar and click “Apply”.
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