Manage your team

Information for procurement officers with a super user account type on how to manage user access to the WAIPS Portal.

A super user has the authority to add, remove and view users registered under the agency’s account. User accounts are managed under the Agency Account tab, located in the top navigation bar on the dashboard.

Remove a user from an agency account

The super user can deactivate a user profile if a user no longer requires access to agency’s WAIPS Portal account. For example, the user no longer works for the agency.

Outstanding tasks must be completed first as pending items will prevent the super user from deactivating the user profile.

The super user must complete the following steps to deactivate a user’s profile:

  1. Navigate to the agency user’s page by selecting “Manage My Team” on right hand side of the dashboard under My Admin. 
  2. Alternatively, click on “Agency Account” located in the top navigation bar and select “Agency Users”. The page will provide a list of all users registered to the agency's portal account.
  3. The status of each profile is listed on the right side.
  4. Scroll down the list to the user profile that is to be deactivated. The status next to the user’s name should say Active.
  5. Click on the down arrow next to the user’s profile and select “Deactivate”. This will set the user’s status as Inactive, and they will no longer have access to the agency’s WAIPS Portal account.
  6. To reactivate the profile, click on the down arrow and select “Activate”.

Add a general user to an existing account

Only a super user or WA Industry Link staff can add new users to an agency’s WAIPS Portal account. Follow the steps below:

  1. After logging in, click on the “Agency Account” tab located in the top navigation bar.
  2. Select “Agency Users”.
  3. To invite a general user to the agency account, click on “+Create”, located next to the search button.
  4. A pop-up screen will appear. Enter the new user’s:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email address
  5. Once the pop-up form is completed, select “Submit”.
  6. The new user will receive an email with a link and temporary password to register for the agency’s WAIPS portal account.
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