Participation plans

An overview of what agencies need to do with participation plans using the WAIPS Portal.

Procuring agencies are responsible for ensuring the requirement for a participation plan is included in the tender request and that any WAIPS reporting requirements are also noted. Agency users can view all participations plan requirements created within their agency in the portal.

Agencies must ensure prospective suppliers submit a participation plan with their tender bid during the procurement process for all contracts above the designated WAIPS thresholds

Through the WAIPS Portal, the procuring officer can:

  1. Create a participation plan requirement. 
  2. Access the portal generated link to the participation plan template for bidders to complete.
  3. Monitor bidder submissions.
  4. Assess the submissions and select a successful bidder's participation plan.
  5. Submit the successful bidder's participation plan to the WA Industry Link.

An exemption request from the requirement to request bidders to complete participation plans should also be submitted through the WAIPS Portal. Learn more under Exemptions in this user guide.

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