Participation plan reports

Information for agency users on how to view participation plan reports through the WAIPS Portal.

In accordance with the Western Australia Industry Participation Strategy 2020, reporting on outcomes from the participation plan is mandatory upon completion of contracts lasting less than 12 months. For contracts exceeding 12 months, reports are required annually as well as upon contract completion. Reports must be submitted within 2 months following each 12-month period and the completion date for a final report.

Every 12 months and/or on the contract completion date, suppliers will receive an email notifying them of an upcoming report due date, along with a link to the reporting template. Additional email reminders will be sent one month and two months later. The agency contact will also receive email reminders requesting the contract spend to date figure and/or updates on the completion date.

Participation plan reports are accessed through “Participation Plan Reporting” located in the top navigation bar.

The page is divided into 2 tables to indicate participation plan reports received by the logged-in user on top and participation plan reports received by other users within the same agency in the table below. The reports are generated according to the contract completion date or annually based on the contract commencement date as relevant.

Please contact WA Industry Link if you would like to amend the reporting frequency for your active contracts.

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