Submit the successful bidder's participation plan

Information for agency users on how to submit the successful bidding supplier's participation plan to WA Industry Link.

Participation plans completed by bidders can be accessed by the agency’s users. Following tender closing date, the agency user can select a single or multiple successful bidder’s participation plans and submit these to WA Industry Link. To review the submitted participation plans:

  1. Navigate to the Participation Plan Requirements page to view the tender’s status and completed participation plans. 
  2. Click on “View Details” to see the list of suppliers who completed participation plans for the relevant tender.

Submit a single successful bidder’s participation plan

  1. To select a participation plan as successful, click on the down arrow on the right side of the record and select “Select as Successful”. This will update the selected status as “Yes”. If the selection was incorrect, click on “Deselect as Successful” and the selected status will be updated as “No”.
  2. Following selection of the successful bidder’s participation plan, click on “Summary and Review”. This will show a summary of the selected bidder’s participation plan.
  3. Click on the down arrow to the right of the record and select “Set Contract Details.” 
  4. A pop-up window will appear titled Please Review Contract Details. Review and update the following details, as required:
    • Contract commencement date
    • Contract completion date
    • Contract reference
    • Contract value
  5. On completion click “Save”.
  6. The updated information will be displayed in the summary of successful participation plans. To update the values for the total contract values, click on “Recalculate Total” located in the bottom left of the page. 
  7. To submit the successful bidder’s participation plan to WA Industry Link, click “Submit to JTSI” in the bottom right corner.
  8. The page will redirect back to the dashboard. The participation plan’s status will be updated to “Successful participation plan Submitted – Pending JTSI Review”.

Select multiple successful participation plans 

If there is more than one successful bidder, repeat the process outlined in step one above for all successful bidders' participation plans. Once all successful bidders have been selected, continue to follow the steps, as outlined above.

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