How to set up an account

Register WAIPS Portal for the first time and how to add other account users from your business.

Supplier user types

The WAIPS Portal consists of 2 different user types.

Super user

The super user should be the primary contact for the business and the first person to register the business on the WAIPS Portal. The user type has the authority to manage user logins for the business’s supplier account, including the deactivation of an account if a user leaves the business or changes roles.

General user

A general user is invited to join the existing business’ account by the super user. Employees with this user type can view and create WAIPS documents on behalf of the business.

Register an account and add a new user

The first person to register their business for the WAIPS Portal will be the designated primary contact and will be automatically assigned a super user type. All subsequent new users will be registered as a general user. 

A new business account and the business' users can be created by navigating to the WAIPS Portal via a participation plan link, or by going to the WAIPS Portal directly.

  1. Go to the WAIPS Portal and click “Log In” in the top right corner.
  2. On the Sign in page, click “Sign up now”.
  3. Enter your email address and click “Send verification code”. 
  4. Paste in verification code from email received. 
  5. Follow the prompts to create a password and enter supplier name before clicking “Create”.

On successful login, the page will navigate to the user’s dashboard. The dashboard provides a quick view of the business' WAIPS activity with easy navigation to Participation Plans, Participation Plan Reporting and Exemption reporting.

The first person to register their business for the WAIPS Portal must follow the step below to complete the registration for their business' portal account:

  1. To complete registration of the business’ account, click on “Supplier Account” from the top navigation bar. 
  2. Go to the Company Search bar and type in the business’ Australian Business Number (ABN). This must be an ABN that does not already exist in the system. 
  3. Follow the prompts to provide the company’s:
    • Company Name 
    • Account type
    • ABN
    • Primary Contact
    • Email
    • Main Phone
    • Website
    • Address
  4. Click “Create New Business” followed by “Save”.
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