Participation plan statuses

Guidance for suppliers on the portal's 7 different statuses for participation plans.

The status of all participation plans under the business will be displayed in the quick view of the record on the Participation Plan page. 

Navigated to this page from the dashboard. See below for an outline of the different statuses and their meaning:

  • In Progress: The participation plan is being worked on but has not been completed.
  • Submitted: The participation plan is complete and available for download and submission to the procuring agency via their tender portal. If already submitted, it is awaiting assessment by the procuring agency.
  • Successful: The participation plan has been sent to WA Industry Link as the plan of the winning supplier and is awaiting acceptance into the database.
  • Unsuccessful: The participation plan was not submitted to WA Industry Link because it wasn't the participation plan of the winning supplier.
  • Clarification Requested: WA Industry Link or the procuring agency needs more information or updates to the participation plan before accepting it.
  • Active: The participation plan has been accepted by WA Industry Link and no reporting is currently due.
  • Cancelled: The requirement for a participation plan has been cancelled by the procuring agency.

Cancelled participation plans

The requirement for a participation plan can only be cancelled by the procuring agency. Contact the procuring agency directly for details if this occurs without prior notification.

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