Manage your team

Information for suppliers on managing user access to the business' WAIPS Portal account.

Only a super user can manage users registered with the business’s account. Super users can remove and view user profiles under the “Supplier Account” tab from the top navigation bar.

How to remove a user

The super user can deactivate a user profile if a user no longer requires access to the business’ WAIPS Portal account.

  1. Click on the “Supplier Account” tab and select “Supplier Users.” The Supplier User’s page will provide a list of all users registered to the account in a table.
  2. Locate the user profile to be deactivated, use the search function if required.
  3. Click on the down arrow on the right of the table and select “Deactivate.” This will set the user’s status as inactive.
  4. To reactivate their account, click on the down arow and select “Activate.”

How to assign another user as a super user

Steps to change a user from a general user to a super user. 

  1. Click on the “Supplier Account” tab and select “Supplier Users.”
  2. Locate the user profile, use the search function if required.
  3. Click on the down arrow to the right of the profile and select “Set as super user.” This will set the “Is Super User?” column status as “Yes”.
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