Road trauma impacts the lives of too many Western Australians every year. In this section you'll find our current and past campaigns which contribute to the reduction of illegal behaviours on our roads; improve community attitudes and behaviours towards sharing the roads with all road users; and aim to change unsafe road behaviours to make zero deaths and serious injuries possible.
2024-2025 campaigns
- Not worth the (beep) risk
- Be a Wheelmate
- Let's roll together, safely - WA Bike Month
- Speeding shatters your excuses
2023-2024 campaigns
- No one plans a crash - mature families
- Seatbelts save lives
- Lights, sirens, action!
- Anyone can save a life
- Nah, not worth it
- No one plans a crash
- You see, We see
- The Life Toll
- Let's roll together
- Welcome to Country Roads
- Regional seatbelt radio campaign for Aboriginal people in Western Australia
2021-2022 campaigns
Main campaigns:
- Driving change/Make every journey safe
- Kindness Travels
- Make every eRide safe
- Always wear your safety gear: Belt up
- Know the distance of distraction
- Science of sleep/Yawning signs
- Aboriginal road safety
- Bike month - October 2021
- Shadows of Summer
Other 2021/2022 campaigns:
- We're watching: TVC 30sec(link is external)
- eRideable legislation: TVC 30sec(link is external)
- Impaired driving legislation: TVC 30sec(link is external)
- 50 years of seatbelts: TVC 18sec(link is external)
- Caravan towing: TV 30sec(link is external)
Aboriginal Road Safety Campaigns 2006-2024
In an effort to provide road safety messaging in a culturally sensitive and acceptable format, we engage Goolarri Media Enterprises, which is located in Broome, to write, produce and schedule versions of the Commission’s main campaigns that are appropriate to the Aboriginal people in the north-west of WA.
Advisory: Some of these links may contain vision of persons since deceased.
No one plans a crash_GME(link is external)
You See, We See_GME(link is external)
Past campaigns
Show more- 24hr ban for drug driving legislation: Version 1 TVC(link is external), Version 2 TVC(link is external), Version 3 TVC(link is external)
- Radar detector legislation: Radar Detectors - It's the end of the road(link is external)
- Slow Down, Move Over: TVC 30sec(link is external)
- Child driveway safety: If you don't know, don't go(link is external)
- Kindness Travels: Ch 7 Sept 2020(link is external)
- Aboriginal Road Safety (Cape Leveque Road Education): Opening of road(link is external), Drive to the conditions(link is external), Child restraints(link is external), Tourists(link is external), Safe road users(link is external), Road worthy vehicles(link is external)
Show more- Kindness Travels: Ch7 May 2020(link is external), Ch9 May 2020(link is external)
- Mobile Phone Legislation: Video 30sec(link is external)
- The safe system: Video 60sec(link is external)
- The Safe System: Behind the Scenes(link is external)
- Closer to Home: Video 60 sec(link is external)
Show more- We're watching your speed: Tradies(link is external), Mum(link is external)
- Zero excuses 2018: In memoriam(link is external)
- Not on my road: Ch9 TVC 60sec(link is external)
- Aboriginal road safety: We're watching your speed(link is external)
- Motorcyclists - Serious sale: Carbon fibre suit(link is external), Training wheels,(link is external) Airbag(link is external), Behind the scenes(link is external)
Show more- Zero excuses: Version 1(link is external), Version 2(link is external)
- Fatigue - Don't Trust Your Tired Self: Metro,(link is external) Regional(link is external)
- Aboriginal road safety: Grown up Version 1(link is external), Grown up Version 2.(link is external)
Show more- Cycling: Might be a mate 1,(link is external) Might be a mate 2(link is external), Could be Cometti(link is external)
- Alcohol interlocks: Video 30sec(link is external)
- Point-to-point cameras: Average speed safety camera zone now live(link is external)
- Drink driving: Just over(link is external), Grow up(link is external), You deserve it(link is external).
- Speed: Post-It Notes(link is external), Enjoy the ride(link is external)
- Aboriginal Road safety: Speeding: Simple science(link is external), Drink driving - Skelt(link is external), Drink driving - Risky Business(link is external), Seatbelts - Belt up Stupid(link is external)
- Seatbelts: Sashes(link is external)
- Distracted drivers: Distracted drivers are dangerous(link is external)