You See, We See

This campaign shows the consequences of illegal road behaviour (mobile phone use, no seatbelt, drink driving, drug driving, speeding) through police enforcement. It then tells the other side of the story – that police use enforcement to save lives.
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Campaign Overview

To show the consequences of illegal road behaviour (mobile phone use, no seatbelt, drink driving, drug driving, speeding) through police enforcement. This campaign’s message uses the threat of enforcement to improve road behaviours while at the same time providing the other side of the story – that police use enforcement to save lives.

The Idea

You may just see the Police enforcing the law. Police do it to save lives.


Featuring serving WA Police Officers, the campaign’s message is strong – when you’re pulled over for an illegal road behaviour, you may see a fine, but Police see it as a life saved.

The Behind the scenes - You See, We See video interviews the Officers used in the campaign, where they provide insight into the reality of road trauma, and the necessity of enforcement/Police presence to change unsafe road behaviours.

Media channel and creatives

You See, We See (YSWS) utilises a multi-media approach across television, on-demand TV social media and out-of-home advertising.

TV/On-demand TV

Campaign overview - Metro and Regional

Speeding / Mobile Phones

Drink Driving - Metro and regional

Goolarri Media version TVC

In an effort to provide road safety messaging in a culturally sensitive and acceptable format, we approached Goolarri Media Enterprises, which is located in Broome, to write, produce and schedule a version of ‘You See, We See’ that was appropriate to the Aboriginal people in the north-west of WA.

Social media posts

Post imagePost text
Face-on views of a cop with a speed gun, and a child wearing a seatbelts. Words: You see demerit points, we see a life saved.

Speeding social tile

If you speed, the police will come down on you. We don't do this to make life hard, we do it to make the roads safer.

Face-on views of a woman behind the wheel using her phone, then a close up on a pram lying sideways on the road, contents spilling out. Words: You see a fine, we see a crash avoided

Mobile phones social tile

Touch your phone while driving and the police will come down on you. We don't do this to make life hard, we do it to make the roads safer.

A man being asked to submit to a breathalyser, and a child with a school bag crossing a road. Words: You see a licence lost, we see a safer street.

Drink driving (metro) social tile

Blow over the limit and the police will come down on you. We don't do this to make life hard, we do it to make the roads safer.

A man being asked to submit to a breathalyser, and a child with a school bag crossing a road. Words: You see a licence lost, we see a safer highway

Drink driving (regional) social tile

Blow over the limit and the police will come down on you. We don't do this to make life hard, we do it to make the roads safer.

Banners and posters

3x1 Banner - Speeding

3x1 Banner - Mobile phones

3x1 Banner - Drink driving (metro)

3x1 Banner - Drink driving (regional)

A1 Posters

A1 Poster - Speeding

A1 Poster - Mobile phones

A1 Poster - Drink driving (metro)

A1 Poster - Drink driving (regional)