Anyone can save a life

St John WA and the Road Safety Commission have partnered to highlight the importance of post-crash care in reducing the impact of road crashes. The campaign highlights that it doesn’t take much to save a life.
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One person is slumped seemingly unconscious in a car after a crash, while another person leans in through the window to check their pulse.

Campaign Overview

St John WA and the Road Safety Commission have partnered to highlight the importance of post-crash care in reducing the impact of road crashes.

It takes only four minutes for a road trauma victim with no serious injuries to die from a blocked airway.

Basic first aid is vital in the first few minutes after a crash and has the potential to prevent 15% of WA road fatalities.

St John WA’s free 15-minute digital first aid course for drivers arms road users with the basic skills needed to save a life.

Together, the Road Safety Commission and St John WA are building resilience on our roads with educated drivers who are ready to assist in the event of a road emergency.

The Idea

Anyone can save a life – 15 minutes is all it takes.

Media channels and creatives

Anyone can save a life utilises a multi-media approach across television, on-demand TV cinema, radio and social media advertising.

TV/On-demand TV

This 30-second video was shown on both free to air and on-demand television. 


This 90-second video was shown in cinemas.


The 30-second audio created for radio can be listened to or downloaded below. 

Goolarri Media version TVC

In an effort to provide road safety messaging in a culturally sensitive and acceptable format, we approached Goolarri Media Enterprises, which is located in Broome, to write, produce and schedule a version of ‘Anyone can save a life ’ that was appropriate to the Aboriginal people in the north-west of WA.

Social media posts

Several different posts were designed for social media depending on the platform and the dimensions required. 

1:1 Versions:

Four phones next to each other, each showing a different version of the 'Anyone can save a life' creative made for social media. Each creative is an image of someone trying to help out in a road crash with the words 'anyone can save a life'

9:16 versions:

Four phones next to each other, each showing a different version of the 'Anyone can save a life' creative made for social media. Each image shows a person trying to help out in a road crash with the words 'anyone can save a life', 'You too can save a life', 'A simple act can save a life' or 'Save a life with two fingers' and a link to the online course created by St John.

To see all versions created for the digital side of the campaign, view this PDF publication: Digital Rollout All Creatives (pdf). 

Support for people impacted by road trauma 

Anyone in WA who has been affected by a road crash can contact Road Trauma Support WA on 1300 004 814 for free information, support and counselling. This service is proudly supported by Road Safety Commission funding.

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