No one plans a crash 2024 - mature families

This extension of the No one plans a crash campaign speaks to parents aged 45-59, and their young adult kids aged 17-22. It highlights a number of everyday tragedies, each of which could have been avoided or had a lower impact if people had made better ‘one-off’ choices.
Last updated:
No one plans a crash (white text on black background) next to a car with its bonnet smashed in

We plan to be at work in time for a meeting.

We plan to go to a party.

We plan a leisurely weekend motorcycle ride.

But we don’t plan to crash.

No one plans to kill or seriously injure ourselves or someone else when we leave the house. The fact is, however, if we don't consciously plan a safe journey, we may as well be planning an unsafe one.

This campaign extension of ‘No one plans a crash’ (NOPAC) campaign follows a family with parents aged 45-59 and young adult kids aged 17-22. The target audience spans two important cohorts who are at a pivotal stage of life where road safety is of heightened concern – parents when their children are starting to drive, and young adults who are still learning, as they are inexperienced drivers.

The five scenarios highlight a number of everyday tragedies, each of which could have been avoided or had a lower impact if people had made better ‘one-off’ choices.

four people placed side by side - a man, two women, and another man. All four are in tears and look upset.

NOPAC is a road safety branding platform that addresses different demographics and road behaviours over time. Established in December 2022, the first iterations targeted young families, aged 30-45; and single males and females aged 23-34. This mature family extension is the third demographic addressed by NOPAC.

This Behind the scenes – NOPAC video captures the behind-the-scenes filming and the thoughts of a few of the key stakeholders of this advertising campaign extension. 

Media channel and creatives

NOPAC utilises a multi-media approach across television, catch-up/ connected TV, radio, cinema, digital, social media and out-of-home advertising.

TV/Catch-up & Connected TV.

NOPAC 2024 Distracted Phone 30sec

NOPAC 2024 Speeding Car 30sec

NOPAC 2024 Drink Driving 30sec

NOPAC 2024 No Seatbelt 30sec

NOPAC 2024 Speeding Motorcycle 30sec

Goolarri Media version TVC 

In an effort to provide road safety messaging in a culturally sensitive and acceptable format, we approached Goolarri Media Enterprises, which is located in Broome, to write, produce and schedule a version of ‘No one plans a crash’ that was appropriate to the Aboriginal people in the north-west of WA.

Radio (State-wide)

NOPAC mature family – Mobile phone distractions radio 30sec

NOPAC mature family – Speeding car radio 30sec

NOPAC mature family – Speeding motorcycle radio 30sec

Social & Digital 

Banners & Out-of-home

Campaign objectives

NOPAC’s core objective is to have all road users understand that catastrophic crashes can easily happen to anyone, every day – even to those who consider themselves safe, law-abiding road users. It asks viewers to consider ‘what can I do to help make every journey safe?’.

Zero deaths and serious injuries on WA roads is achievable, one journey at a time. To learn more about safe journeys and what you can do, visit our page Make every journey safe.


158 people died on WA roads in 2023 and around 1,700 people are seriously injured each year.

Tragically, every one of these was someone’s loved one – a parent, a child, a sibling, a friend.

Clearly, not one of these events was planned.

The majority of road crashes are not caused by illegal activity. If we drive consciously – by being alert, planning to leave on time, interacting with other road users courteously and respectfully – the number of crashes can be reduced.

It’s up to all of us to do our part to ensure these deaths do not happen.

Evidence which informed the campaign

The development of NOPAC was informed by numerous research and evidence-based resources, including:

  • No one plans a crash 2023 - deep dive qualitative focus groups, evaluations/learnings, October 2023, Painted Dog Research
  • No one plans a crash 2023 – first campaign tracking evaluation/learnings, June 2023, Painted Dog Research
  • WA Driver Attitudes & Behaviours Segmentation study 2022, Kantar Public
  • Community Attitude Monitor February 2023, Kantar Public
  • Citizen Engagement study, August 2021, Kantar Public
  • Message Resonance Testing, June 2020, Painted Dog Research
  • Multiple previous campaign evaluations/learnings, Painted Dog Research
  • Driving Change, Road Safety Action Plan 2021 2023
  • Driving Change, Road Safety Strategy for Western Australia 2020 2030
  • Crash stats - WA Road Fatalities and Serious Injuries 2017-2022, Road Safety Commission

Support for people impacted by road trauma 

Anyone in WA who has been affected by a road crash can contact Road Trauma Support WA on 1300 004 814 for free information, support and counselling. This service is proudly supported by Road Safety Commission funding.