Firearm permits - frequently asked questions

Your answer might be here. View our frequently asked questions below before contacting us.
Last updated:

Contact Licensing Enforcement Division if your question has not been answered:

Can I take my firearm overseas for competition or hunting?

Information on exporting and re-importing firearms currently licensed within Western Australia can be found on the Australian Border Force website.

Do I need to register my interstate licensed firearms in WA?

Western Australia does not automatically recognise firearm licences issued in other jurisdictions. You will need to apply for a Western Australia firearm licence if you are moving to Western Australia.

For the purpose of bringing your firearms into WA and conveying them to a licensed firearm dealer for the purpose of licensing, under Sections 17 and 17A of the Firearms Act 1973, you must apply for a Temporary Permit to lawfully possess your firearms for that purpose only.

Visitors from interstate who are temporarily in Western Australia also need to apply for a Temporary Permit in order to lawfully possess and/or use firearms while in Western Australia.

A fee is incurred for a Temporary Permit.

How do I export a firearm overseas?

For information relating to exporting firearms overseas, please contact the Australian Border Force on 1300 363 263, or viewing the Australian Border Force website and then select Firearms and firearms parts, accessories and ammunition.

How do I import firearms or ammunition?

For information relating to importing firearms from overseas, please contact the Australian Border Force on 1300 363 263, or viewing the Australian Border Force website, and then select Firearms and firearms parts, accessories and ammunition.