Contact police on 000 in an emergency. This includes immediate threats to people or property or if a serious crime is in progress.
Contact police on 131 444 or in person at your local police station to report crimes that have happened in the past or when police attendance is required.
People with disability
Show more- TTY: 1800 301 130
- NRS: 1800 555 677
SMS Assist
SMS Assist© is a text messaging service for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, which can be used for contacting the WA Police Force and requesting assistance. It should not be used for emergencies.
To use the service we strongly urge you to register your details first(link sends email). Once registered, dial 0403 277 478.
Using SMS Assist©
People who are deaf, hard of hearing or unable to speak clearly can use SMS Assist© to contact the police for:
- requesting police attendance
- reporting matters to police
- A police operator will then send a reply.
It is designed and exclusive for people with communication disabilities (deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired) only. This applies even if your disability is temporary or only occurs at certain times e.g. when you become stressed.
To help police answer quickly, it is important that you provide the following information:
- where you are messaging from (eg, street name, popular place, church, library, museum, shop name, etc). This way, police know where you are and can send help quickly if it is required.
- where any incident has taken place. This is only needed if the place is different from where you are messaging.
- why you need police help (give a few details of what has happened).
- your name - if you are not registered. Enter text as follows:
- type "MN" (My Name) to save typing "my name is"
- type your family name in uppercase
- think about saving this as a message template.
A man stole a handbag& ran 2wards train stn
On Murray St Mall
I am at Ntrance 2 Aust Post in Forrest Pl Perth
As you can see from the text count, it is possible to put a lot of important information within the 160-character limit. The sample message above used only 109 letters and spaces.
Note: the success of this service depends on the accuracy and details of the information you provide. Please follow the above instructions carefully, especially in relation to giving your exact location.
Contact us on 131 444 for more information.
National Relay Service
If you have a speech or hearing disability the triple zero service (000) can be accessed via the National Relay Service(link is external), call TTY 106.
Visit the WA Police Force community diversity and substantive equality page
Interstate or overseas
Show moreFor police assistance or general enquiries call:
- Overseas: 61 8 9351 0699
- Interstate: (08) 9351 0699
Report criminal activity or suspicious behaviour anonymously
Show moreYou can help make your community safer by reporting criminal activity or suspicious behaviour through Crime Stoppers.
You can use the online form or call 1800 333 000.
You do not need to provide your name if you wish to remain anonymous.
About calling 000 and 131 444
Show more000
Visit the Triple Zero website(link is external) for information including information on the Emergency+ Smartphone application.
Under commonwealth and state laws, it is an offence to misuse the 000 emergency services number. Action will be taken against those who misuse or make nuisance calls on the 000 line.
131 444
Callers to 131 444 will be asked to press '1' on their phones if they require a police officer to attend an incident now.
If you need to report an incident that does not require immediate police attendance or for general information you will be asked to press '2'.
Calls to 131 444 from most regional areas are automatically directed to the nearest police station.