Licensing Services (Firearms)

Find out about the use of firearms within Western Australia, applications for a firearm licence, safety, storage requirements, dealers and commercial carriers.
Last updated:

Licensing Services is responsible for the:

  • Assessment of all applications for 'Original' Firearms Licences and the addition of firearms to existing licences.
  • Renewal of all Firearms Licences.
  • Revocation of a Firearms Licence.
  • Approval of temporary and interstate permits.
  • Management and maintenance of licensing records within the Firearm Registry System.
  • Regulation of commercial organisations involved in the sale, manufacture and repair of firearms and ammunition.
  • Assessment of the importation and exportation of firearms and other weapons.


As of Friday 28 February, a temporary firearm application, renewal payment and infringement process has been put in place, and you will need to follow the instructions on the Licensing Services (Firearms) webpage.

Application process

Applications and the payment will no longer be accepted by Australia Post from 5 pm on Friday 7 March.

Once you complete your application form and supporting documents you can only submit them via email to Licensing Services you will be contacted within 14 days to take a payment over the phone.  

Any incomplete applications will not be processed, please ensure you provide all requested information and supporting documents to enable the application to proceed to payment.

When you submit your application the email subject line should be 'Firearms Application along with your FULL NAME'.

The temporary process will be in place until the new Western Australia Police Force Firearms Licensing Portal goes live on Monday 31 March.

Renewal process

Follow the alternative options on the bottom of your renewal form using either BPoint or by contacting Licencing Services to make payment over the phone with your credit card or in person at your local Police Station.

If you need a photo captured for the generation of your firearms identification card, you have several options:

  • Provide a digital image to comply with the passport standard and email to Licensing Services; or
  • Obtain a passport photo at your own cost from Australia Post and scan and email it to Licensing Services

Firearms Infringement process

Follow the alternative options on the bottom of your renewal form using either the BPoint option or contact Licencing Services to make payment over the phone with your credit card or in person at your local Police Station.

Licensing Services and the Firearms Act Reform Project Team are currently reviewing all firearms licences held in Western Australia to ensure accuracy of personal details, contact information and storage locations.

We plan on addressing any identified firearm description anomalies and will update our records. The timing of this review is to accommodate an enhancement to the licensing and registry system which will include all licence holders and nominated persons having a Digital ID.

Access to the enhanced system will be via an online portal, consequently we are validating the information associated with your licence. Validation is necessary to enable access to your licence once the enhancement has been completed.

The Firearms Act Reform Project Team are in the process of mailing letters to all licence holders explaining the process. Should you wish to have your information validated as a priority you may contact the Firearms Act Reform Project Team at the following email address and we will contact you directly to complete your validation: Firearms Project.

The Minister for Police, Honourable Paul Papalia has outlined a number of proposed changes relating to the legislative reform of the WA Firearms Act 1973.

To provide clarity on the proposed changes announced a set of FAQs have been uploaded in the firearms help centre.

Note: The list of FAQs and responses are not intended to be exhaustive.

Read the firearms blog

Click on a card for more information:


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