Report WA Police Force employee misconduct

Policing is a difficult and complex job and we acknowledge mistakes can be made and that the actions of our personnel may fall short of your expectations.
Last updated:

Submit a WA Police Force employee misconduct online form(link is external)

Alternatively, you can also make a complaint by:

Contact 6372 6000 if you have not received a response within seven days.

Our commitment

The Western Australia Police Force is committed to providing trusted and valued policing for Western Australia and ensuring its personnel demonstrate the highest levels of professional standards, ethics and integrity. 

We recognise that our staff and our service delivery may not always meet expectations and as such, your complaint can help us identify and correct those deficiencies. 

Examining complaints over a period of time also assists the Western Australia Police Force to better identify the main causes of customer dissatisfaction and take appropriate action.

Taking a complaint further

If you are not happy with how your complaint was handled, there are organisations that can review or investigate your complaint further.

The investigation that these organisations might conduct about your complaint is separate from any review or appeal process that takes place inside the Western Australia Police Force.

Here are some of the review organisations you can go to if you want to take a complaint further:

Corruption and Crime Commission

PO Box 330 Northbridge Post Shop,
WA 6865
Level 5, 45 Francis Street Northbridge 6003
Phone: 9215 4888
Toll-free: 1800 809 000

Visit the Corruption and Crime Commission website(link is external)

State Ombudsman

Level 2, Albert Facey House
469 Wellington Street
Perth WA 6000
Phone: 9220 7555
Toll-free: 1800 117 000

Visit the State Ombudsman website(link is external)

Equal Opportunity Commission (WA)

Phone : 9216 3900
Toll-free: 1800 198 149

Visit the Equal Opportunity Commission (WA) website

Statement of principles

The Western Australia Police Force strives to have the full confidence of the community. A key mechanism for ensuring police integrity is our complaints' handling process:

You are entitled to:

  • complain when you are unsatisfied with a service provided by the Western Australia Police Force
  • have your complaint taken seriously
  • be treated with courtesy and respect.

An effective complaints management system is useful because it provides valuable feedback that can help improve our service delivery.


The Western Australia Police Force is committed to fairness in its complaints process. This means that:

  • both parties in a complaint are entitled to be listened to and have their views taken into account
  • the person being complained about must know all the claims that are made against them and have the opportunity to put their case
  • all information relevant to the case must be taken into
  • the decision maker must be fair and unbiased.


Assistance is available if you need help to lodge a complaint. This could include help filling in a form or arranging for an accredited interpreter in the language you are most comfortable with.


There are time frames for dealing with a complaint, although some may take longer than others. When you make a complaint, you should be told how long the process is likely to take and be kept informed as to the progress of the matter.

When you make a complaint

  • treat all staff with courtesy and respect
  • give a full and accurate explanation of events to do with your
  • provide as much information about your complaint as possible. This may include such things as when and where the incident occurred, the names of the officers concerned, the details of witnesses, documents and other evidence that supports or provides evidence of the complaint
  • you may or may not be asked to provide a written statement or participate in a recorded interview. Ask for help if you need it
  • keep appointments and meetings and if it is not possible to attend, let the relevant person know. 

How will my complaint be dealt with?

The process applied to the complaint usually depends on the nature of the unprofessional conduct and the issues involved.

Complaints of serious unprofessional conduct are dealt with by formal investigation.

What is a formal investigation?

Formal investigations are undertaken by appointed investigators who are empowered to take statements, call witnesses and gather all evidence relevant to the investigation.

These investigations usually take longer to complete.

During the investigation process, you are entitled to contact the investigator and seek advice as to the status of the inquiry.

At its conclusion, you will receive written advice of the outcome. 

Reports are prepared and submitted to senior officers. All investigation files and complaint matters may be subject to further review / examination by the Corruption and Crime Commission.

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