Police Community Services Fund

The WA Police Force through the Police Community Services Fund provides funding for services and programs that address the needs of the communities and the local police who support them.
Last updated:

Our focus is on providing better services to Western Australians that:

  • meet the needs of the people that use them, at the right time and in the right place
  • are sustainable and delivered by organisations that have the appropriate staff and systems in place
  • are based on evidence of what works and robust quality standards
  • are culturally safe and tailored to local community needs.

The fund is aligned to and informed by:

  • the WA Police Force Agency Commissioning Strategy incorporating the principles of the State Commissioning Strategy (PDF, 231KB).
  • WA’s Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap in conjunction with the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy. These strategies set the WA Government’s overarching strategic approach for working with Aboriginal people towards empowerment, aiming to achieve better outcomes across the State and will ensure the outcomes of the services and programs support targets in the National ‘Closing the Gap’ Agreement.

The fund objectives:

  • support projects and initiatives that contribute to local pathways for Closing the Gap and community action plans
  • fund projects and programs that support the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • address new and upcoming trends that have an adverse impact within the community. E.g. Influx of antisocial behaviour, increase in criminal activity within a certain area
  • pilot projects/trial services that address community/police needs.

Types of programs supported

The fund focuses on the local service delivery of programs identified by local police and community members in the areas of:

  • youth engagement
  • family violence
  • drugs and alcohol
  • homelessness
  • community safety
  • other needs as identified by the local police and community members.

Contact the Community Partnerships and Support Division at communitypartnershipssupport@police.wa.gov.au to discuss funding opportunities.

How your organisation can access the fund

  • funding is available to service providers upon invitation, based on community need identified by the WA Police Force and in consultation with local stakeholders
  • eligible service providers are invited to submit an application addressing the project scope/s
  • submissions are then assessed against eligibility criteria, reviewed by police district representatives and presented to the Police Community Services Fund Advisory Panel for review.

Ultimately the decision to approve funding is the responsibility of the advisory panel, who determine the most suitable service provider based on the submission details of the application.


Please view the funding guidelines:

Register your organisation

If your organisation would like to be considered for funding opportunities through the Police Community Services Fund, please provide your organisational details through this online form:

Register your organisation

As project scopes are developed, service providers that are identified as suitable to the scope of works will be contacted directly to submit an application.

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