What you need to know - frequently asked questions

Your answer might be here. View our frequently asked questions below before contacting us.
Last updated:

Contact Licensing Enforcement Division(link is external) if your question has not been answered:

Can I advertise a firearm for sale?

Legislation does not preclude this but Western Australia Police Force strongly recommend against ‘advertising’ anywhere that you possess firearms as it may attract criminal elements to you and/or your home.

We recommend that if you are unable to sell the firearm to people known to you then it is wiser to sell through a licensed firearm dealer. 

Can I hunt on Crown land or public land?

No. Section 267 (2)(h) of the Land Administration Act 1997 prohibits the discharge of any firearm or other weapon on Crown Land. 

Do I need to register my interstate licensed firearms in WA?

Western Australia does not automatically recognise firearm licences issued in other jurisdictions. You will need to apply for a Western Australia firearm licence if you are moving to Western Australia.

For the purpose of bringing your firearms into WA and conveying them to a licensed firearm dealer for the purpose of licensing, under Sections 17 and 17A of the Firearms Act 1973, you must apply for a Temporary Permit to lawfully possess your firearms for that purpose only.

Visitors from interstate who are temporarily in Western Australia also need to apply for a Temporary Permit in order to lawfully possess and/or use firearms while in Western Australia.

A fee is incurred for a Temporary Permit.

How do I hand in my unlicensed firearm?

Firearms can be surrendered at any Police Station across Western Australia. 

If you have an unregistered firearm that you wish to surrender to the Western Australia Police Force, please abide by the following:

  • You will be able to surrender the firearm at any police station across Western Australia;
  • Plan ahead. Contact your local police station to advise them of your intent to hand in a firearm;
  • Ensure the firearm is unloaded, if you are unsure or do not know if it is loaded, explain that when you first arrive at the police station;
  • Do not point the firearm at any person;
  • Take the bolt/firing mechanism out if possible;
  • 'Break' the firearm if mechanism allows; and
  • Carry the firearm in a suitable firearm carry bag, case, box or other covering. Do not carry the firearm uncovered.

If you wish to close your licence, please email licensingservices@police.wa.gov.au(link sends email) or advise in a letter by post to: Licensing Services, Locked Bag 9 East Perth WA 6892

Please complete a cancel firearm licence form (PDF, 345KB). Click the link or see the Resources Section on the Firearms Licence page.

We will close your licence once all firearms have been destroyed or removed from your licence. Please be aware that this may take some time to process.

How do I make an anonymous report?

Crime Stoppers WA values the information you provide much more than knowing your identity. That’s why Crime Stoppers take measures to ensure your anonymity if you prefer it, whether you use the online report form (link below) or phone 1800 333 000.

Crime Stoppers is an independent, not-for-profit organisation and registered charity helping keep our families and communities safe. Over 1,000 people a week contact Crime Stoppers WA with information about past, present or future criminal activity.  

Don’t let illegal firearms fall into the wrong hands.   
Report what you know to Crime Stoppers

www.crimestopperswa.com.au(link is external)

Phone: 1800 333 000

How do I safe guard my firearms from theft?

Most firearms are stolen opportunistically during a home burglary.

To reduce your risk please consider the following preventative measures:

  • Conceal your cabinet so it is not noticeable if your home is burgled.
  • Install an alarm and/or CCTV system at your home to reduce your risk of burglary, particularly if you have multiple firearms.
  • Install window locks and door locks – and use them – even when you are home.
  • Cabinet keys should not be left anywhere someone may find them. Many firearm thefts occur because the cabinet keys were left in a bedside drawer or other place in the house, whilst the owner was out. (It’s best to keep firearm storage keys on your person). It is an offence to have the keys readily accessible where the cabinet is located as this is deemed to have been left unlocked if this is found to be the case.
  • If your cabinet is located within a shed or workshop, ensure that any tools that may be used to cut open a safe are not accessible, eg an Angle Grinder.
  • Most importantly, if you are going to be away for any period of time then consider having your firearms safely stored with a Dealer or at a Police Station. Many thefts occur when the owners are away on holidays or business and the premises are left unattended.
  • Never leave a firearm unattended in a car. It is an offence to do so.
  • Be aware of unknown persons trying to find out if you are a firearms licence holder.
  • Ensure details are not released that identify you as a firearms licence holder.
  • Review your social media and be cautious of uploading any images or information that may indicate you own firearms.
  • Avoid firearm brand name stickers on your vehicle.

I would like to close my WA Firearms Licence?

All firearms must be removed from a licence before it can be closed.

  • A firearm may be transferred to an existing Co-user. Please provide the following information for us to process via email.
    • Firearm details including serial, make, etc
    • Co-user details including licence number and name
  • Firearms may be sold to a licensed dealer in WA. The dealer will provide Licensing Services with a ‘return’ and the firearm is removed off your licence.
  • You may privately sell a firearm. The applicant makes an application for the firearm and once approved, the firearm will be removed from your licence. 
    Please note: you must retain possession of the firearm until the applicant is licensed to it. The applicant will also require a Private Purchase Permission form to be completed by the owner to support their application which can be found in the Resources section on the Firearm Licence page.
  • You may surrender the firearm for destruction to a police station and complete a P94 form – Authority to Dispose. Once the firearm has been destroyed by WA Police, the firearm will be removed from your licence.

Please complete a cancel firearm licence form (PDF, 345KB) as authority to close the licence.

Must I notify Licensing Services of a firearm sale, loss, theft or destruction?

Yes. Legislation requires that Western Australia Police Force be notified as soon as practicable.

Please advise us by email via the contact us form(link is external).

State Administrative Tribunal

The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) in Western Australia deals with a broad range of administrative, commercial and personal matters including human rights, vocational regulation, commercial and civil disputes, and development and resources issues.

The Tribunal is the primary place for the review of decisions made by government agencies, public officials and local governments. It also makes a wide variety of original decisions.

See the SAT website(link is external) to view the SAT decisions database and for more information.

What do I do with the firearms when a licence holder has died?

In instances where police are advised of the death they will attend. During this process police will seize all firearms and retain them until arrangements are made for their disposal e.g. destruction, re-licensing or sale as authorised by Executor of the Deceased’s Estate.

In those instances where there is no immediate police involvement, family members should contact local police who will make arrangement to seize and retain the firearms until arrangements are made for disposal, e.g. destruction, re-licensing or sale as authorised by Executor of the Deceased’s Estate.

If you are licensed as a co-user in relation to any firearm/s on your licence you require written authority from the Public Trustee or the Administrator appointed by Grant of Probate or the Executor of the Estate (together with the first and last page of the Will) to retain possession of the firearm/s. 

With such authority, and when supplied to Licensing Services, your status in relation to the firearm/s may then be changed from Co-User to Primary. Without the aforementioned authority the firearm/s MUST be surrendered to Police.

What should I do if I have lost or misplaced my Extract of Licence Card (ELC)?

A fee is incurred for a replacement ELC. Upon request, an invoice will be issued for payment to be made at a participating WA Australia Post outlet.

To arrange for the re-issue contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011 or email via the contact us form(link is external).

What should I do if I have lost or misplaced my licence?

To request a duplicate licence contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011 or attend your local WA police station.

A fee is incurred for a duplicate licence.  The licence will be posted via Australia Post.


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