Licence renewals and infringements - frequently asked questions

Your answer might be here. View our frequently asked questions below before contacting us.
Last updated:

Contact Licensing Enforcement Division if your question has not been answered:

Can I pay my licence earlier as I will be away?

Firearm Licence Renewals are issued 28 days prior to the expiry of a licence and can only be paid once the renewal notice has been issued. This is a legislative requirement [Refer to Section 9A (4) Firearms Act 1973 and Regulation 4 (1) Firearms Regulations 1974].

Once the renewal is issued and received, payment can be made online or by phone through BPoint or by contacting Licensing Services (accessed through the Licence Renewals & Infringements page). Phone payments can also be made direct to Licensing Services in exceptional situations by calling 1300 171 011. 

Can I renew my firearm licence if it is overdue by more than three months?

Once your firearm licence has expired for a period greater than three months, a combined Renewal Invoice and Infringement Notice is automatically generated and electronically forwarded to your local police station for service.

To renew your licence, you are required to pay the Renewal Invoice immediately at a WA police station, Licensing Services, online or by phone through the BPoint service (accessed through the Licence Renewals & Infringements page). Phone payments can also be made direct to Licensing Services in exceptional situations by calling 1300 171 011.

You will have 28 days in which to pay the Infringement through the options as per above.

How do I get a copy of my receipt if I paid by BPOINT?

If you pay online from the BPOINT service there is an option to email the receipt so it can be printed at home.

If you pay by phone using the BPOINT service you will need to contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011 or email us via the contact us form approx. 48 hours after payment is made to request a duplicate receipt which will be mailed to you.

I would like to close my WA Firearms Licence?

All firearms must be removed from a licence before it can be closed.

  • A firearm may be transferred to an existing Co-user. Please provide the following information for us to process via email.
    • Firearm details including serial, make, etc
    • Co-user details including licence number and name
  • Firearms may be sold to a licensed dealer in WA. The dealer will provide Licensing Services with a ‘return’ and the firearm is removed off your licence.
  • You may privately sell a firearm. The applicant makes an application for the firearm and once approved, the firearm will be removed from your licence. 
    Please note: you must retain possession of the firearm until the applicant is licensed to it. The applicant will also require a Private Purchase Permission form to be completed by the owner to support their application which can be found in the Resources section on the Firearm Licence page.
  • You may surrender the firearm for destruction to a police station and complete a P94 form – Authority to Dispose. Once the firearm has been destroyed by WA Police, the firearm will be removed from your licence.

Please complete a cancel firearm licence form (PDF, 345KB) as authority to close the licence. Click the link or see Resources section on the Firearms Licence page.

The invoice biller code does not work on my online banking application?

The Western Australia Police Force utilises the payment provider BPOINT across all of its payment services.

When making a payment online, ensure you are utilising the BPOINT payment service.

What do I do if I have been told I have an infringement?

Infringements are generated three months after expiry of your firearm licence. Once an Infringement has been generated, the only way to renew your firearm licence is to attend the nearest police station within office hours and have the renewal invoice and infringement served.

Once an infringement has been generated, your firearms are subject to seizure by police as they are unlicensed – and have been for three months.

Please note: Renewals are issued and mailed 28 days prior to expiry of licence. 

What happens if I have paid using BPay and not BPOINT?

If you have made a payment through BPay, the payment will not be sent to Western Australia Police Force as we do not accept BPAY payments. The invoice biller code on your renewal is not compatible with BPay. If you have made a payment using this method, you will need to contact BPay directly for reimbursement of your funds.

Please ensure you make a payment for your firearm licence as soon as possible via this link: BPOINT to avoid your licence expiring. 

What should I do if I have lost or misplaced my Extract of Licence Card (ELC)?

A fee is incurred for a replacement ELC. Upon request, an invoice will be issued for payment to be made to Licensing Services. You will be required to return the invoice with a photo and signature included.

To arrange for the re-issue contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011 or email us via the contact us form.

What should I do if I have lost or misplaced my licence?

To request a duplicate licence contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011 or attend your local WA police station.

A fee is incurred for a duplicate licence.  The licence will be posted via Australia Post.

What should I do if I have misplaced or not received my renewal?

To arrange for the re-issue, contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011 or email us via the contact us form.

When do I receive my Extract of Licence Card (ELC)?

You should receive your Firearm Identification Card which is known as the Extract of Licence Card (ELC) within 3 weeks of your Original Application being approved. If you have not received your ELC by the end of this time, contact Licensing Services on 1300 171 011.

Why do I need an Extract of Licence Card (ELC)?

Under legislation you are required to carry your Extract of Licence Card (ELC) with you at all times, except if it is impracticable to do so.

Your ELC is required as proof of identification when purchasing ammunition.


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