REFORM licence type - frequently asked questions

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Last updated:

Contact Licensing Enforcement Division if your question has not been answered:

What are the new licence types?

New Licence Type

Sub Type





Primary ProducerNo sub types





ClubNo sub types


Shooting Gallery


Firearms Training


Professional Shooter

Security Agent


Other Prescribed




Government EntityNo sub types

Can I have more than one licence type?

Yes, depending on your circumstances you may be eligible to hold more than one firearm licence type.

How many different licence types can I have?

It depends on your circumstances. As with any application for a firearm licence, you must meet the genuine reason and genuine need requirements. Suitability will be determined during the application assessment process.

How do I know which licence type applies to me?

The proposed legislation is intended to provision clarity on the different licence types and their intended purposes. Information will be made available demonstrating the alignment of your current licence type to the new licence type.

What are the changes to my licence as a Primary Producer under the new legislation?

Primary Producers as defined by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and in the new Act may now be eligible to obtain a Primary Producers licence. The changes are:

  • A maximum number of firearm’s that can be licensed is 10.
  • The Primary Producer licence holder or Authorised persons under that licence (e.g. employees / family) can shoot firearms licensed to the primary producer licence on other Primary producer’s properties for Primary Production purposes.
  • The Primary Producer licence holder can also use the firearms (CAT A&B only) listed on their licence for hunting purposes on any other property for which they hold a written authority (property letter) to do so.

When will my current licence and the associated firearms be transferred to a new licence?

Post proclamation, all new firearm applications will align to a new licence type. A transition period will be established for existing licence holders to be transferred to the appropriate new licence type, during which time you are likely to be contacted by the regulator to confirm the firearms being transferred from your existing licence to the new type.

What will I have to do to transfer my existing firearms licence to a new licence?

The regulator has a dedicated transition team working to identify all licence holders and firearms that will be impacted and as a result will require transition onto a new licence type.

It is anticipated that the transition team will contact you to discuss which firearms may need to be transferred onto the new licence from your existing licence and how that transfer will occur.  If you are not contacted shortly after proclamation of the legislation, you should contact the regulator with your licence details to discuss.

Will I need to pay for the transfer to a new licence type?

Any licence transfer will occur as an administrative process, with no additional fee levied against licence holders.

As a result of the transition some licence holders may end up with multiple licences (as opposed to a singular existing one).  The normal renewal process and fees will apply at that time or when you apply for a new licence type.