REFORM general - frequently asked questions

Your answer might be here. View our frequently asked questions below before contacting us.
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Contact Licensing Enforcement Division if your question has not been answered:

Will I need a ServiceWA or MyGov ID account to use the services?

Not during the Voluntary Buyback Scheme, but this will be a requirement once the new digital service is ready and released at the beginning of 2025.

Have Firearm owners rights been taken away?

No. The current firearm legislation was written 50 years ago.  Recommendation 2 of the 2016 Law Reform Commission Review of the Firearms Act 1973 (WA) recommended a complete redraft and re-enactment of the firearm legislation which will place public safety at the forefront of these contemporary changes.

The changes are to provision clarity where it was previously lacking, whilst ensuring that contemporary legislation is in place to deal with matters that have arisen in the period between when the original legislation was implemented and now.  It also aims to future proof the legislation to deal with matters that may arise in the coming years.

Will fees be refunded for my recently acquired firearm which now exceeds the numerical limits?

The Voluntary Buyback Scheme will not recompense for fees associated with the purchase of a firearm.

How will the new legislation impact public safety?

There will be significant improvements in the ability to ensure that firearms ownership is legitimate and their use is responsibly managed. Some of the changes that will have a positive impact upon public safety include: enhanced storage, mandatory training and health assessments, and clarity around licence types-including where and for what purpose firearms can be used. These and other changes all form a part of this contemporary legislation.

How can I provide my feedback on the new legislation?

Written feedback is encouraged and can be emailed to

How can I ask a question regarding the new legislation?

Enquirers should first peruse all of the FAQs regarding this Legislation that can be found in the Firearms Division Website Firearms Help Centre. The Firearms Reform Team welcome written questions by sending them to

What is the impact of moving into Western Australia with licensed firearms?

Prior to relocation to Western Australia, if you have a firearm licence from interstate, you will need to apply for a permit, have an application for a WA firearms licence approved prior to the expiry of the permit or make other arrangements for your firearms. You should contact the WA Police Licensing Services who will guide you through the process.

What happens to my firearms licence if I move interstate from Western Australia?

There is no change under the new legislation to your responsibilities as a firearm licence holder should you be moving from WA.

How can I retain a family heirloom firearm?

Under the proposed legislation heirloom firearms no longer form a genuine reason to licence a firearm on a collector licence.

If you want to retain and use the firearm, you will have to licence the firearm for a lawful purpose within the new numerical limits.  If you want to retain and not use the firearm, you can have the firearm rendered innocuous and it would no longer be a firearm and therefore not subject to licensing.