REFORM voluntary buyback scheme - frequently asked questions

Your answer might be here. View our frequently asked questions below before contacting us.
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Contact Licensing Enforcement Division if your question has not been answered:

When will the buyback begin?

There will be a Voluntary Buyback Scheme, which will commence on February 21 2024 and remain available until 31 August 2024 or until the $64.3 million dollars is exhausted.  This will be sufficient time for a licence holder to surrender their firearm(s) prior to Proclamation so there is no need to rush.

How will I know when the buyback begins?

Media campaigns will begin on the 14 February 2024 and messages will be posted on the Firearms Act Reform page.

How long will the buyback run for?

The buyback will be available until 31 August 2024 or until $64.3 million dollars is exhausted.

Will you buyback my firearm if I no longer want it?

Yes, during the Voluntary Buyback Scheme any WA licensed firearms, licenced by an individual firearm licence holder will be eligible.

Can I sell my firearm interstate?

Yes, you may sell your firearm interstate through a registered dealer.

How much will you pay for my firearm?

A fee schedule outlining the compensation amount can be found on the internet site. It is also included on the form you must complete to engage in the Buyback process.  

The amount will be based upon the type of firearm (handguns, shot guns, rifles) and if the firearm was first licensed in WA within the last six years. The amount you will receive are set amounts and there will be no negotiations regarding its value.

How will payments be made?

Payment will be made via bank transfer, to your nominated bank account. You must provide the bank details on the prescribed form when you bring it and the firearm to the Police station. If you do not want to provide your banking details you cannot take advantage of the Voluntary Buyback Scheme.

How long will it take for me to receive my compensation?

It is anticipated that payments will be made 4-6 weeks after surrender.

Where do I surrender my firearm?

You may take your licensed firearm to any police station in person, along with your firearm licence and completed Firearm Surrender Form. The form is available on WA Police Force website (PDF, 980KB). All police stations will be open Monday to Friday between 0800 and 1600 to assist. 

If you cannot attend the police station between those times, contact the station to discuss a time that is suitable. Some country police stations opening hours vary, so you may want to contact the station before attending to make a time that suits.

What happens to my firearm after I surrender it?

The firearm will be destroyed in accordance to approved procedures.

Will there be compensation for ammunition?

No, but you can hand it in to the Police when you surrender your firearm.

Remember, having possession of ammunition for a firearm calibre you no longer have licensed is illegal, so relinquishing it to police is a requirement should that apply to you.

Can I keep any parts of my firearm?

Telescopic sights (Scope) and accessories (bags, straps, slings) can be retained. Anything that is not a major firearm part as defined in the current Firearms Act can be retained.

What happens if I do not surrender my firearms before the end of the buyback period?

Any firearm licence holders who may be impacted by the legislative changes that require disposal of licensed firearms, will have until Proclamation to dispose of their firearms.

If you are impacted and choose not to participate in the Buyback Scheme, which will end on 31 August 2024 or when the funds are exhausted, you will have to relinquish your firearm/s and you will not receive payment.

If you are impacted and don’t surrender your firearm/s, after Proclamation you may be subject to having all of your firearms seized and your licence revoked.

Are you purchasing my firearm?

No, you are receiving remuneration for a voluntary surrender of your firearm.  Upon surrender, you no longer own the firearm. Once you have surrendered the firearm/s you will no longer own them as ownership will pass to the WA Police Commissioner.

Will I be entitled to GST?

Where firearms are being surrendered there is no GST applicable on payments.

Is there a limit to the number of firearms I can surrender?

No. There is no limit on the number of firearms that an individual can surrender under this Voluntary Buyback Scheme or under Amnesty.

As a dealer am I eligible to surrender firearms under the buyback scheme?

No. Only individual licence holders are eligible for a payment under the Voluntary Buyback Scheme.

Can all firearms be surrendered during the Voluntary Buyback Scheme?

All firearms licensed in Western Australia to an individual are eligible for the scheme.  Unlicensed firearms will be accepted under Amnesty, however they are not subject to remuneration.