Energy Policy WA

We provide policy advice to government to facilitate the delivery of secure, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy services to Western Australians.
Last updated:


What we do

Energy Policy WA is leading Western Australia’s energy transformation.

We advise the Minister for Energy on energy policy, to assist the Western Australian Government in making well-informed decisions that contribute to the delivery of secure, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy services to Western Australian households and businesses.

From 1 July 2021, as part of our leading role in Western Australia’s energy transformation, we support the Coordinator of Energy (the head of Energy Policy WA) with:

  • rule making and administration of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules, the Gas Services Information (GSI) Rules, and new rules to apply to the North West Interconnected System;
  • WEM and GSI market development, including conducting reviews of a policy or technical nature in the WEM; and
  • development of periodic Whole of System Plans for the South West Interconnected System.

We also support the Coordinator of Energy in discharging their statutory responsibilities in the management of fuel, gas and electricity supply disruptions, as set out in the Energy Coordination Act 1994.

Our purpose is to deliver innovative and quality advice and initiatives that shape the energy sector for the benefit of Western Australians now and into the future. Our values of integrity, leadership, excellence, collaboration and people underpin everything we do.  

On 1 July 2022, Energy Policy WA became a group within the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

Energy Policy WA has two divisions:

Market Development and Coordination

  • Electricity Networks and Customer Participation branch
  • Planning and Coordination branch
  • Wholesale Markets branch

Strategic and Consumer Policy

  • Consumer Policy branch
  • Emergency Management branch
  • Strategic Energy Policy branch

Ministerial reporting

Corporate executive

Mr Tim Bray

Assistant Coordinator, Strategic and Consumer Policy

Mr Noel Ryan

Assistant Coordinator, Market Development and Coordination


Energy Policy WA
Energy Policy WA
Level 1, 66 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892

Make a Freedom of Information request

Energy Policy WA's Freedom of Information Statement provides details on the process and fees associated with making a request under the Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992.

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