Exposure Draft of WEM Investment Certainty and RCM Review Amending Rules

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Exposure Draft of WEM Investment Certainty and RCM Review Amending Rules.
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Energy Policy WA (EPWA) has published the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Investment Certainty (WIC) Review Information Paper (Initiatives 1 and 2) setting out the Review Outcomes for Initiatives 1 and 2 of the WIC Review, which were subject to public consultation in July 2024. This paper is for information only and is available here.

EPWA has developed for consultation an Exposure Draft of WEM Investment Certainty and RCM Review Amending Rules to implement the Review Outcomes for Initiatives 1 and 2 of the WIC Review.

This Exposure Draft contains two parts:

Part 1 outlines the draft WEM Amending Rules to implement the review outcomes for Initiatives 1 and 2 of the WIC Review; and

Part 2 is to consult on changes that:

⚬ Would allow for an earlier implementation of the Relevant Level Method; and

⚬ Address issues that EPWA, in consultation with AEMO, has identified during the re-sequencing of the RCM Reform Rules, which require further consultation. These include:

Following industry consultation and legal review, the proposed WEM Amending Rules in this Exposure Draft, together with any additional changes to provide for the re-sequencing of the remaining 3 schedules of the RCM Reform Rules, will be submitted to the Minister for Energy for making and gazettal.

EPWA invites stakeholder feedback on the Exposure Draft of WEM Investment Certainty and RCM Review Amending Rules with the consultation period closing at 5:00pm WST on 9 December 2024. Late submissions may not be considered.

Submissions can be emailed to energymarkets@demirs.wa.gov.au.

Any submissions received will be published on Energy Policy WA unless requested otherwise.

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