After completing the assessment process, you need to decide who meets the job requirements and who to recommend as the successful candidate. There are a number of options to consider.
After completing this section, you will have:
- understood how to choose suitable candidates for appointment.
- ability to identify the candidate you want to recommend for appointment.
- Recommend a candidate as suitable if they have the required skills, knowledge ability to do the job. You don’t have to recommend all candidates as suitable, especially when you have large numbers.
- Recommend a candidate for diversity reasons if it is a team or agency priority at the time. Candidate/s you find suitable or recommend for appointment do not have to be the most competitive in the process.
- .Explain in the selection report why you are recommending some suitable candidates and not others.
- Finalise the selection report without recommending anyone for appointment if you don’t have any suitable candidates that meet your job requirements.