As 2024 draws to a close, the Training Accreditation Council (TAC/the Council) reflects on a year marked by significant advancement and collaborative effort within the vocational education and training (VET) sector and the Council extends its appreciation to all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) for their focus on delivering high-quality training and assessment.
Throughout the year, the Council has undertaken several initiatives to enhance and support quality in the Western Australian VET sector:
- Strategic Audits: Completed strategic industry audits into Units of Competency leading to High Risk Work Licences in Western Australia, and First Aid units of competency.
- Strengthened Governance: Released the Fit and Proper Person Requirements Policy to ensure the integrity of individuals involved in RTO governance.
- Comprehensive Education Program: Delivered a comprehensive education program, including webinars, fact sheets, and the popular podcast "Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award-Winning Stories." Launched the Online Guidance Hub as a centralised resource for RTOs to access information and guidance on the revised Standards.
- Welcomed New Council Member: Dr Mairead Dempsey joined the Council, bringing fresh perspective and expertise.
The national VET sector also witnessed significant developments:
- Early Changes to RTO Standards (2015): the Early Changes were implemented to address workforce pressures and provide immediate benefits to the sector.
- New Ministerial Leadership: Senator Murray Watt and Andrew Giles appointed as Commonwealth Ministers for Employment and Workplace Relations and Skills and Training, respectively.
- Shaping the Future of VET: The National Skills Plan, VET Workforce Blueprint and the Australian Universities Accord provide a roadmap for the future of VET in Australia, each addressing critical aspects of education and training.
- Revised Standards: Endorsed by Skills Ministers, for planned implementation in July 2025, the revised Standards will enhance the quality and consistency of VET delivery.
As we look ahead to 2025, the Council remains committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver high-quality VET outcomes that meet the needs of learners and industry.
Please note that the TAC Secretariat will be closed for a short period from Wednesday 25 December 2024, and reopens on Thursday 2 January 2025.
The Council and Secretariat staff wish you all a wonderful festive season and look forward to working with you in 2025.
EOI for Council Pilot Program
The Council is calling for expressions of interest (EOI) from Council registered RTOs interested in participating in a Pilot on the implementation of the revised Standards for RTOs.
Please see the Special Bulletin for more information.
TAC Education Program
Upcoming Events:
Register now for our upcoming event. You can also be alerted to new events by following TAC’s Event Page on Humanitix.
- Navigating Inclusive VET Environments - for TAC RTOs Only - Mon, 24 Feb 2025, 10am - 11:30am AWST
Webinar Recordings:
View the TAC Education Program to access professional development opportunities, support and guidance materials and access previous webinar recordings and resources.
- Continuous Improvement Standard 4.4 webinar This webinar focuses on Standard 4.4 of the revised Standards for RTOs exploring how an RTO can undertake systematic monitoring and evaluation to support the delivery of quality services and continuous improvement.
Updated Fact Sheet
To support the Continuous Improvement: Standard 4.4 webinar delivered this month, TAC have updated the Continuous Improvement Fact Sheet. This update reflects the changes in the revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations.
The Fact Sheet focuses on Quality Area 4: Governance, highlighting the benefits of continuous improvement practices for RTOs.
In line with wa.gov.au's commitment to accessibility, all new Fact Sheet will be available online only. This ensures all users can access the latest information in an accessible format. You can still easily print a copy using your browser's print function.
Focus Article: Why Continuous Improvement Matters?
The revised Standards for RTOs emphasise effective governance and a commitment to ongoing improvement to support the quality and integrity of VET delivery.
A robust governance framework provides the structure for accountability, collaboration, and sound decision-making. It empowers teams to leverage their skills and knowledge to achieve positive outcomes.
Standard 4.4 is the cornerstone of continuous improvement. It mandates that RTOs undertake systematic monitoring and evaluation to support the delivery of quality services. By adhering to this Standard, RTOs can:
- identify areas for improvement to better meet student needs and enhance student outcomes;
- optimise operations by streamlining processes and reduce inefficiencies;
- strengthen governance to ensure accountability and transparency; and
- respond effectively to evolving industry trends and regulatory requirements.
Regardless of your RTO's size, reflecting on current practices and asking "How can I improve student outcomes?" is always beneficial. By systematically monitoring and evaluating your services, RTOs can positively impact students, staff, employers, the regulator, and the broader community.
When considering the following reflective questions for Standard 4.4, consider the extent to which your current practices are working and what, if any, changes you could make to improve these:
- How do you monitor and evaluate your performance against the Standards?
- How do you involve students, staff, clients, industry representatives and other stakeholders in ensuring your RTO continues to monitor its services and adjust as required?
- What is in place to collect and analyse data and feedback from students, staff, industry, employers, regulators and others?
- How are the outcomes of monitoring and evaluation used to improve your performance and the quality of the services?
Further information is available in the Continuous Improvement webinar and updated Fact Sheet, the Using Internal Audits for Continuous Improvement webinar, and the Online Guidance Hub: Standard 4.4.
Transition Extensions
At the December 2024 meeting, the Council agreed to extend the transition period for the following training product until 31 January 2026:
- AHC30620 Certificate III in Production Horticulture
View the full list of training products approved for an extended transition periods.
The Council may consider requests to extend the transition period of as superseded training product when certain conditions apply. Further information is available on the TAC Website.
Other important Updates
Australian Training Awards
The Training Accreditation Council congratulates all finalists and winners of the 2024 Australian Training Awards. Special recognition goes to the two Western Australian winners: Albert Bevan, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year, and John Curtin College of the Arts, School Pathways to VET Award.
In addition, WA's 2024 Large Employer of the Year winner, WesTrac, was awarded Silver in the national category, with the State's 2024 Large Trainer of the Year winner, MTA WA Training Inc, recognised with Bronze at the ceremony.
Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA)
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has published the first edition of the Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA), bringing a new approach to organising occupation-related information.
VET Qualification Reform
On 6 December 2024, Skills Ministers agreed to a new, purpose-based approach to VET qualifications design that is guided by design principles and will improve quality, simplify course designs and reduce complexity. Skills Ministers agreed to a phased implementation approach, with the new model coming into effect from 1 July 2025 for all new projects.
Further information, including Fact Sheets, are available on the Commonwealth Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.
The Pathways to Post-School Success Expert Panel Report
The Post-School Success report reflects public feedback and extensive research and stakeholder engagement undertaken across WA by a panel of education experts.
The comprehensive review aims to ensure all secondary school pathways, including Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and vocational education and training (VET), are fit for purpose, meet the current needs of students, and are accessible to encourage all students to challenge themselves.
More information is available on the Pathways to Post-School Success Review website.
Jobs and Skills Australia
Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released the following reports:
- CSOL qualitative research and stakeholder consultation project report - 3 Dec
- 2024 Core Skills Occupations List - Key Findings Report - 3 Dec
- International Labour Market Update - November 24 - 29 Nov
- Occupation Shortage Report - Sep 2024 - 28 Nov
- 2024-2025 Work Plan - 20 Nov
- Jobs and Skills Report 2024 - 18 Nov
- Strong and Responsive VET Pathways - 13 Nov
Latest NCVER Reports
NCVER has released the following new reports: