Fit and Proper Person Requirements Policy

It is a requirement of registration with the Training Accreditation Council that registered training organisations comply with the fit and proper person requirements.
Last updated:

Following the early changes to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 implemented on 1 March 2024, the Training Accreditation Council (the Council) has endorsed a new Fit and Proper Person Requirements (FPPR) Policy. The policy assists RTOs and the Council in ensuring compliance with the FPPR outlined in Clause 7.1 and Schedule 3 of the Standards.

The Policy outlines key stages in the Council's management of FPPR and clarifies the steps in assessing Fit and Proper Person Declarations (Declarations), including:

  1. Submission: Organisations applying for initial registration, renewal of registration, or employing new people in managerial roles must submit declarations. National Police Clearances are required for individuals identified in initial registration applications.
  2. Initial Review: The declarations and other relevant factors are reviewed to determine if individuals meet the FPPR. If required TAC may seek additional information from the RTO.
  3. Further Information: If concerns arise during the review, the RTO has the opportunity to respond.
  4. Council Decision: The Council makes the final decision based on all the information available, including the RTO's response (if applicable).