The Training Accreditation Council’s (TAC or the Council) Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2021-2023 (the Strategy) identified units of competency leading to high risk work licences (HRWL units) as an area of focus, and endorsed a strategic industry audit (SIA) of registered training organisations (RTOs) within the Council’s jurisdiction that deliver nationally recognised HRWL units in Western Australia (WA).
The Council endorsed audits of TAC RTOs included in the SIA was based on a range of factors such as enrolments, third party arrangements, when the RTO was last audited and with the one or more of the following five units of competency on their scope of registration (or superseded qualifications):
- TLILIC0003 Licence to operate a forklift truck[1]
- TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)[2]
- CPCCLDG3001 - Licence to perform dogging[3]
- CPCCCM3001 Operate elevated work platforms up to 11 metres[4]
- TLILIC0018 - Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity)[5].
The audits were undertaken between February 2023 and May 2023 to investigate key issues impacting on the quality of training and assessment in HRWL units, RTO compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, and to determine whether there were systemic issues affecting the quality of training.
Audits focussed on:
- meeting learners needs;
- training and assessment practices - including recognition of prior learning;
- vocational competency and industry currency of trainers and assessors;
- engagement with industry;
- third party arrangements (where applicable);
- VET Delivered to Secondary School Students;
- sufficient and suitable facilities and equipment; and
- marketing.
Overall, key findings of the SIA indicate that RTOs are meeting the requirements of the training package. In addition levels of compliance against the following clauses in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 included:
- Clauses 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.8, were fully compliant across all RTOs audited.
- Additionally, Clause 4.1 (accurate & accessible information), Clause 5.1 (Learner informed of training product) and Clause 5.2 (Learner information and protection) were fully compliant across all RTOs audited.
While no systemic issues were identified, the Council will continue to engage with the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry and Regulatory Services (DEMIRS), WorkSafe Division to ensure early detection of industry concerns regarding quality and ongoing monitoring of the sector.
The Council has released a summary of the HRWL SIA findings that can be accessed via the Strategic Review Reports page on the TAC website.
The Council encourages RTOs to continue to quality assure their operations to achieve quality outcomes. To assist, the Council has a number of resources available on our website, that support RTO compliance including workshops, webinars and fact sheets and recommends that RTOs access these to assist them in meeting their compliance obligations.
Please contact the TAC Secretariat directly on 9224 6510 or tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au if you have any queries regarding this SIA.
[1] Superseded by TLILIC2001 Licence to operate a forklift truck
[2] Superseded by TLILIC2005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)
[3] Superseded by CPCCLDG3001A Licence to perform dogging
[4] Superseded by CPCCCM3001C Operate elevated work platforms up to 11 metres
[5] Superseded by TLILIC0008 Licence to operate anon-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity)