TAC Talks - Podcast

'TAC Talks', the official podcast of the Training Accreditation Council (TAC). Listen as TAC Auditors, experts and guests discuss targeted aspects of compliance and quality.
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Ep 21 - Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories – Amy Hunt

In this episode we are speaking with Amy Hunt, winner of both the WA and Australian Apprentice of the Year awards.

This is the final episode of TAC Talk series on Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories where spotlight people who are making significant strides in vocational training.

In this episode, we speak to Amy Hunt, a trailblazer in a traditionally male-dominated sphere who emerged as the winner of both the WA and Australian Apprentice of the Year awards. Her experience as a woman in this field provides rich insights into the importance of diversity initiatives and fostering inclusivity, underscoring the need for visibility and education.

Amy's story encourages young women and other potential learners considering a career in non-traditional fields, championing the idea of facing the unknown bravely and taking a leap of faith.

This episode may serve as a valuable resource for RTOs seeking further information on fostering supportive environments for diversity and inclusion.

Published 19 June 2024

Ep 20 - Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories – Anthony Nelson-Burns

In this episode we are speaking with Anthony Nelson-Burns, winner of the WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year Award and a National Award finalist.

This is the third episode of the TAC Talk series on Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories where we spotlight people making significant strides in vocational education and training (VET).

This episode features Anthony Nelson-Burns, a remarkable individual who triumphed as the WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year and reached the finals of the National Training Awards in 2023. Anthony's journey is a testament to resilience. He overcame challenges and personal setbacks to achieve success in the engineering field and finishing his apprenticeship early.

Now, Anthony champions vocational training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, advocating for culturally sensitive approaches that reduce barriers and create a welcoming learning environment for all.

This episode may serve as a valuable resource for RTOs seeking further information on learning environments which promote and support the diversity of learners.

Published 27 May 2024

Ep 19 – Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories – Anthony Georgeff

This TAC Talks episode features Anthony Georgeff discussing how to improve VET student engagement by addressing literacy, language, and numeracy skills.

This episode is part of a series dedicated to amplifying excellence in WA VET through award winner stories. In this instalment, we are speaking with Anthony Georgeff, finalist for the Australian Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice Award at the Australian Training Awards.

Anthony shares his experiences engaging students and encourages listeners to consider literacy and language skills beyond immediate applications – highlighting the wider community issues that may impact student learning.

This episode may serve as a valuable resource for RTOs seeking further information on language literacy and numeracy support and student wellbeing.

Published 24/04/2024

Ep 18 – Amplifying Excellence in WA VET Through Award Winner Stories – Holly Gudsell

This episode highlights Holly Gudsell, WA and Australian VET Teacher/Trainer of the Year, discussing her pivotal role in shaping the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officer (AIEO) program.

This episode is part of a series dedicated to amplifying excellence in WA VET through award winner stories. In this instalment, we have the privilege of speaking with Holly Gudsell, WA and Australian VET Teacher/Trainer of the year. Holly speaks to us about her pivotal role in shaping the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officer (AIEO) program. This program is founded upon several key principles, including:

  • Incorporation of the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning, which are central to Aboriginal Pedagogy (8ways.online(link is external))
  • Adoption of Trauma-Informed Care Principles
  • Emphasis on the Three C’s: Communication, Cultural Safety, and Contextualisation
  • Integration of Universal Design for Learning principles.

This episode may serve as a valuable resource for RTOs seeking to develop culturally safe environments for First Nations learners.

Published 27/03/2024

Ep 17 – Fraudulent Certificates

This 6-minute episode tackles a critical issue: fake certificates and their threat to your RTO's standing. It offers practical insights on enhancing certificate security and verifying incoming credentials, safeguarding your RTO and the entire VET sector.

Fraudulent certificates can affect the reputation of your RTO and undermine the quality of the VET sector. This 6-minute episode provides information on safeguarding your qualifications and mitigating this risk by boosting certificate security and verifying incoming certificates.

Reporting any encountered fraud to the affected RTO, police, and TAC (if applicable) further strengthens your defence.

More information on this topic is available in the TAC Fact Sheet: Issuing Testamurs and Statements of Attainment.

For a copy of the transcript click here.

Published 17/01/2024

Ep 15 – Complaints and what to do about them

This short 4 minute episode provides information around Standard 6 of the Standards for RTOs on complaints and how they can provide an understanding of an RTOs clients’ expectations and experiences. 

Nobody likes complaints and for many RTOs, receiving a complaint from a learner or other stakeholder may be confronting. However responding to complaints can be a useful and important process. 

More information on this topic is available in the:

For a copy of the transcript click here.

Published 15 November 2023

Ep 14 – Marketing and Advertising

This episode provides further information on Standards 4 and 5 of the Standards for RTOs, which require RTOs to provide accurate and accessible information about themselves, their services, and their performance and that RTOs ensure that each prospective and current learner is properly informed.

The episode explores the concept of providing prospective students with the information they need to make an informed decision about which RTO will best meet their learning needs and career objectives. It does this by discussing three key areas:

  1. What learners can get out of the training
  2. What students need to put into the training
  3. What your RTO will do for them

By providing prospective students with this information, RTOs can help them to make informed decisions about their training and to set themselves up for success.

More information on this topic is available in the:

For a copy of the transcript click here.

Published 10/10/2023

Ep 13 -Equivalence and Awarding Credit

This episode navigates the complex topic of equivalence in the VET environment, including how it applies to awarding credit.

Equivalence is often misunderstood in the VET sector, and when used incorrectly, it can have significant implications for the integrity of training and assessment. This episode provides clarity on the specific meanings of equivalence in the VET sector, and how to use it as intended.

The episode also discusses when and how credit can be used appropriately, and the links between equivalence and awarding credit.

More information on this topic is available in the:

Published 20/09/2023

Ep 12 - Notifying TAC of Third Party Arrangements

Confused about reporting third-party agreements for your RTO? This quick 4-minute episode clarifies your obligations for informing TAC about partnerships and outsourcing arrangements.

This short 4 minute episode provides information on RTO's requirements on reporting their Third Party arrangements to TAC including information on:

  • RTOs must notify TAC of any third-party arrangements related to delivering training or assessment.
  • Specific details like the nature of the arrangement and service provider are required.
  • Compliance ensures transparency and quality control in the VET sector.

More information on this topic is available in the:

TAC Fact Sheet: Third Party Arrangements;
TAC Fact Sheet: Third Party Arrangements for the Third Party; and
Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs

uploaded 16 August 2023

Ep 11 - Retaining Assessment Evidence

Ever get flustered about what training records to keep for your RTO? This concise 4-minute podcast clarifies your obligations for managing information, including assessment evidence.

This short 4 minute episode provides information on what RTOs needs to retain to meet their obligations for managing information.

More information on this topic is available in the:

uploaded 19 July 2023

Ep10 - Protecting Learners when there are Industry Licensing Outcomes

This episode tackles the crucial need for RTOs and potential learners to clearly understand any licensing outcomes associated with training including transparency, Learner preparedness and collaboration.

It's hard to think of an industry area where there are not some specific requirements to work in a job in that industry.  The details of those requirements range depending on what industry thinks is critical so that the job is done safely and well. These details sit on a spectrum, ranging from industry taking unskilled workers and training them on the job, through to specific qualification requirements or national requirements that form part of a license or registration. 

This episode explores the importance of ensuring any licensing outcomes are clearly understood by your RTO and by potential learners.

More information on this topic is available in the:

uploaded 14 December 2022

Ep9 - Transition Arrangements

Unsure about transitioning learners when training changes? This episode unpacks Clauses 1.26 & 1.27 of the Standards.

Clause 1.26 and 1.27 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 outlines the transition and teach out arrangements for RTOs when a training product has been superseded or removed or deleted.  Because the arrangements are different for when products are superseded vs removed or deleted, we do have some confusion in the sector.  This confusion also happens regarding enrolments.

This episode provides clarity around Clauses 1.26 and 1.27 of the Standards for RTOs in relation to transition and teach out arrangements for RTOs.

More information on this topic is available in the:

*please note that on 13 December 2022 The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP announced that SSOs would now be replaced by Jobs and Skills Councils (JSC) instead of Industry Clusters. 

uploaded 14 December 2022

Ep8 - Industry Engagement

This episode examines Clauses 1.5, 1.6 and 1.13b of the Standards for RTOs in relation to industry engagement and what this means for RTOs.

Vocational education and training (VET) enables the skilling of people for industry and the workplace. This means that the training and assessment delivered by registered training organisations (RTO) should accurately reflect workplace requirements.

Effective industry engagement enables RTOs to reflect the needs of industry and current workplace requirements. This podcast examines Clauses 1.5, 1.6 and 1.13b of the Standards for RTOs in relation to industry engagement and what this means for RTOs.

More information on this topic is available in the:

uploaded 12 September 2022

Ep7 - Trainer and Assessor Requirements

This episode answers commonly asked questions and provides information on Trainer and Assessor Requirements.

TAC frequently receives questions on the requirements for trainers and assessors in the VET sector.

Common questions include - Why am I not qualified to train or assess in the VET sector when I have a Bachelor of Education, or higher level qualification in adult education, and previous teaching experience? Why are these qualifications or former experience not considered ‘sufficient’? What vocational and industry skills do I need to become a VET practitioner?

This episode answers these commonly asked questions and provides information on:

  • specifications within the Standards for RTOs;
  • credentials you must hold to be a trainer and assessor in the VET sector and reasons for these; and
  • how RTOs and individuals can meet these requirements.

More information on this topic is available in the:

uploaded 30 August 2022

Ep6 - Who is TAC and What is its Role?

This episode discusses the role of the Council and its guiding principles.

The Training Accreditation Council is Western Australia's Vocational Education and Training (VET) Regulator responsible for the quality assurance and recognition of VET services in WA.

Join both the Chairperson of the Council, Anne Driscoll and A/Director Training Regulation, Lisa Barron for this episode that discusses the role of the Council and its guiding principles, why WA has a State based VET Regulator and insights into TAC's regulatory functions and current strategy.  

More information on this topic is also available via the TAC website under 'About Us' at the following links:

uploaded 25 July 2022

Ep5 - Identifying and Meeting Learner Needs

Ep5 of TAC Talks explores how RTOs can adapt training to fit individual needs in line with clauses clauses 1.1, 1.2, 1.7, 5.1, 5.2b.

Every learner is unique, they have had different experiences, undergone different learning, have different learning styles, different ambitions and motivations, and have different challenges. The RTO therefore, should develop responsive training and assessment strategies that reflect their understanding of varying learner needs.

This episode unpacks the requirements in Clauses 1.1, 1.2 and 1.7, Standard 4 and Clauses 5.1 and 5.2b of the Standards for RTOs and provides insights on strategies RTOs can adopt to support and meet individual learner needs.

More information on this topic is also available in the:

uploaded 14 June 2022

Ep4 - Amount of Training

This episode unpacks Clauses 1.1 and 1.2 of the Standards for RTOs in relation to amount of training and the responsibilities of the RTO.

The term "Amount of Training" refers to the time a learner is to be formally engaged with the RTO in structured learning activities. The amount of training determined must be sufficient to enable the learner to meet the requirements of the nationally recognised Training Product in which they are enrolled, whether that is a single unit of competency, a skill set or a qualification.

This episode tackles Clauses 1.1 & 1.2, defining what Amount of Training means. 

More information on this topic is also available in the:

uploaded 26 April 2022

Ep3 - Delivery of the Training and Education Training Package

This episode dives into Clauses 1.22-1.25 of the RTO Standards, focusing on how to deliver high-quality training and assessment using the TAE Training Package. It emphasises the crucial role of TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in ensuring excellence across the VET sector.

The quality of training and assessment in the TAE Training and Education Training Package and specifically in the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is pivotal to the quality of delivery in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector overall.

This episode examines Clauses 1.22 – 1.25 of the Standards for RTOs that detail specific requirements for RTOs that deliver training products from the TAE Training Package. 

More information on this topic is also available in the:

uploaded 1 December 2021

Ep2 - Understanding Fee Protection

Ep2 of TAC Talks explains how RTOs safeguard fees paid upfront. Explore options like financial guarantees & tuition assurance schemes.


This episode unpacks Clause 7.3 of the Standards for RTOs in relation to fee protection where learner fees are collected in advance. 

More information on this topic is available in the Users Guide to the Standards for RTOs.

uploaded 30 July 2021

Ep1 - Do Units of Competency have an Australian Qualifications Framework level?

This episode explores the topic of how units fit into the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Units no longer have fixed AQF levels. Watch TAC Talks Ep1 to grasp how training packages fit into the Framework now. 

More information on this topic is available in the:

uploaded 4 June 2021

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