Search for geoscience and titles information - GeoVIEW.WA

An interactive (GIS-based) mapping system from the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA).
Last updated:

GeoVIEW.WA is an online mapping tool that lets users view, explore, and map different datasets related to geology and resources. These State-wide datasets are updated regularly. Users can create and print custom geological maps by choosing the area and scale, and they can also add other exploration data like mines, mineral deposits, petroleum wells, and active leases.

Access GeoVIEW.WA

When using GeoVIEW.WA, you can click the "What's New?" button to see the latest updates and new data layers.

Advanced search functionality

The ‘Search Tools’ tab in GeoVIEW.WA allows advanced searches for a variety of datasets:

  • GSWA Catalogue – Search the catalogue of all GSWA products associated with a geographic region in Western Australia and view these products online.
  • WAMEX Search – Perform both spatial and textual searches of open file (public) mineral exploration reports submitted for Western Australia.
  • Drillholes Search – Search the mineral exploration drillhole dataset compiled from the open file (public) mineral exploration reports for Western Australia.
  • Geochemistry – Search both GSWA geochemistry and company submitted geochemistry sites.
  • GSWA Geochronology – Perform searches of geochronology sites that fall within a map sheet region.
  • Extract data – Extract selected layers from a region of the map to ESRI shapefile or file geodatabase format.
  • Historical Mining Tenement Maps – Search for historic mining tenement maps, often referred to as Mines Department public plans.

Users of GeoVIEW.WA can customise their selected view with annotations and print the resulting map.

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