Project Facilitation and Approvals Factsheets: Future Battery Industry

Fact sheet
The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, in consultation with regulatory agencies, has developed project facilitation and project approval factsheets.
Last updated:

As part of the Future Battery Industry Strategy's project facilitation action theme, the Western Australian government is continuing to support the establishment of future battery industry projects by providing assistance with the state's approval processes. This includes the development of project facilitation and project approval factsheets. 

The project facilitation factsheet outlines the services available to support battery industry projects involving downstream processing and manufacturing through WA. 

The project approvals factsheet provides information on the approvals framework that may apply to future battery industry projects involving mining, downstream processing and manufacturing. It also provides contact details for agencies that may be involved in project approvals. 

For further information, please contact the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. 

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