Report child abuse

If you have information about a child being abused you can report it to WA Police Force.
Last updated:

Child abuse refers to any kind of abuse which affects a child sexually, physically, and/or emotionally and can include:

  • sexual abuse
  • physical abuse of any kind
  • neglect
  • harsh or unjust punishment
  • repeated criticisms and put-downs, constant ridicule
  • ritual abuse
  • verbal abuse.

Reporting contact options

Contact the emergency 000 number if the matter is urgent or the safety, health or welfare of a child is at risk.

Contact police on 131 444, your local police station or report online through the Safe2Say portal if you are a child or adult who has been the victim of child abuse.

You can also contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 if you have information about someone else being abused.

The information you supply will be investigated by the Child Abuse Squad and treated with the strictest of confidence. 

You can provide information anonymously; however, it is preferred that we have a contact name in case there is a need to clarify any details.

Following your report

An appointment will be made with you to provide a statement. You will need to provide details of the assault, including the identity of the offender (if known) and dates, times and places where the offence/s occurred.
The identity of any witnesses or other corroboration may also be requested. A member of the Department for Community Development may also be present during the interview.

Detectives from the Child Abuse Squad or local detectives will investigate and the overseeing investigator will advise you of its progress.

Should you require counselling services, these will be made available to you.
A decision is made, based on available evidence. If there is sufficient evidence, charges will then be laid against the alleged offender.

Giving evidence

You may be required to give evidence in court to support your allegations. Any witnesses may also be required to give evidence.

It might be possible to give evidence by video recording, to avoid appearing in court or being confronted by the alleged perpetrator.

If this facility is unavailable, a screen might be placed between the victim and the offender while evidence is being given.

Victim support service

The Child Witness Service provides a specialist support person to victims and can assist with counselling and preparation for the court process. The service can also help with pre-recording the child's evidence for presentation in court.

Newspapers and television

It is a criminal offence to identify victims of sexual assault. No details can be given to anyone other than police involved in the investigation, court personnel and the barrister representing the person charged.

With your consent, your details may also be given to the Department for Community Development as they provide a service to ensure that protective issues are dealt with.

The identity of the accused person is not released if it will, in any way, identify the victim.

Safer WA for Young Children and Young People

The Safer WA for Young Children and Young People section is an online resource serving an all-purpose child safety hub which includes safety tips and key information as well as information on support services for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse.