Schedule 2 – Nationally Recognised Training Logo Conditions Of Use Policy

Schedule 2 of the Compliance Requirements
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Schedule 2: Nationally Recognised Training Logo Conditions Of Use Policy

1  The Nationally Recognised Training Logo

  1. The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification documentation.
  2. The NRT Logo is a registered trademark.

2  Authorisation to use the NRT Logo

NVR registered training organisations are authorised to use the NRT Logo in accordance with this policy.

3  Overarching principles 

  1. The NRT Logo may only be used by NVR organisations in accordance with this policy and any requirements imposed in an instrument made under section 185 of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
  2. The NRT Logo may only be used in association with nationally recognised training which may include:
    1. training package qualifications
    2. accredited qualifications
    3. accredited courses
    4. training package skill sets
    5. units of competency and accredited modules. 
  3. All nationally recognised training is listed on the National Register (at The NRT Logo must not be used in a way that creates misleading impressions. 

4  Use of the NRT Logo on AQF certification documentation 

  1. The NRT Logo must be depicted on all AQF certification documentation issued by an NVR registered training organisation. 
  2. The NRT Logo must not be depicted on other testamurs or transcripts of results.

5  Use of the NRT Logo in other circumstances 

  1. The NRT Logo may be used in some other circumstances as detailed below.

Advertisements and promotional information in any medium (including but not limited to print, television, radio, banners, and internet)

  1. NVR registered training organisations may use the NRT Logo to promote nationally recognised training provided that training is within the organisation’s scope of registration.
  2. In using the NRT Logo for this purpose, the organisation must not create the impression that the NRT Logo applies to, or is associated with all training provided by the organisation, if this is not the case.
  3. The NRT Logo cannot be used by an organisation where the training is accredited, but is outside the scope of the organisation’s registration. Where training is being promoted and does not meet the requirements stipulated in the VET Quality Framework or is outside the organisation’s scope of registration, it must be made clear the NRT Logo is not associated with that training.
  4. Use of the NRT Logo is only permitted where there is a direct relationship to an AQF qualification and/or unit of competency as specified within training packages or VET accredited courses.

Student information 

  1. Where an NVR registered training organisation uses the NRT Logo in promotional material such as brochures, handbooks or prospectuses that also refers to training offered by the organisation, the promotional material must clearly distinguish between nationally recognised training within the scope of the organisation’s registration and any other type of training offered by the organisation.

Corporate stationery, business cards, buildings, training resources and merchandise

  1. The NRT Logo must not be used on products such as corporate stationery, business cards, building signage, merchandise and marketing products (e.g. mouse pads, pens, satchels, or packaging around products), or learning resources supporting training.

6  Standards for the use of the NRT Logo

Format for reproduction

  1. The NRT Logo can only be reproduced from hard or electronic copies provided by the National VET Regulator.  
  2. The NRT logo consists of both the triangular shape and the descriptor. The triangle is not to be used without the descriptor. The typeface is Fritz Quadrata. Under no circumstances is the descriptor to be typeset in any other typeface.
  3. The complete NRT Logo may be varied in size. The size and position of the NRT Logo on the final product is at the discretion of the product designer. Although the size of the logo may be varied, the proportions of the triangle and the descriptor in relation to each other may not be varied. Under no circumstance is the logo to be reproduced in mirror image or be rotated.

Two colour reproduction

  1. Where the NRT Logo is reproduced in colour, it must comply with the following colour requirements. Deviation from these colours is not permitted, nor are colours to be swapped around or stippled. The only colours to be used are:


One colour reproduction

  1. Where the NRT Logo is reproduced in one colour, it should preferably be in GREEN PMS 343 or, where this is not suitable, it may be reproduced in black. In some situations the background colour may clash or the logo may not be prominent. In those situations, the black logo may be reversed out to display in white.


Three examples of NRT Logo including red and green, green and black


Compliance Requirements


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