Revised Standards for RTOs: Credential Policy

This policy outlines relevant credentials for trainers and assessors undertaking particular training and assessment activities or roles.
Last updated:

The Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations are made up of:

All RTOs are required to comply with this policy, in addition to the  Outcome Standards and the Compliance Requirements. 

The Credential Policy and Compliance Requirements largely reflect requirements drawn from the previous Standards for RTOs 2015 (2015 Standards). Where there are changes, these are outlined below.

The Credential Policy sets out the credential requirements for people delivering training and assessment and undertaking validation of assessment. This largely reflects credential requirements from the 2015 Standards,which were updated on 1 March 2024. Further information on the update is available at Early Changes to the Current Standards for RTOs - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government. The Credential Policy has provided an opportunity to further refine the credential requirements of persons delivering training, assessment, or validation, and to clarify areas which were unclear based on the sector’s feedback on the early changes.

All individuals delivering training and assessment will continue to be required to meet requirements around holding relevant industry competencies, skills and experience, maintaining an understanding of current industry practices, and undertaking professional development to maintain current skills in training and assessment. 

In addition to these requirements, the following changes are outlined in the Credential Policy:

  • Enabling individuals who hold the 2010 version of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) to deliver training and assessment without needing to hold the two additional units of competency in addressing adult language, literacy and numeracy skills and designing and developing assessment tools.
    • Recognising that previous changes to the Standards in 2016 requiring qualification upgrades caused burden and expense to the sector, this change is designed to alleviate the sector’s concerns around mandatory upgrades and help ease workforce pressures by enabling those holding the 2010 version of the qualification to re-enter the workforce without completing additional units.
    • This also supports greater alignment with the latest version of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40122), given that the updated versions of the additional units are no longer core units in the qualification.
    • To ensure currency of skills and quality training for those with the older qualification, the Standards still require all trainers and assessors to undertake professional development to ensure current skills and knowledge in training and assessment, and to hold relevant industry competencies, skills and knowledge.
  • Expanding the term ‘diploma or higher-level qualification in adult education’ to ‘diploma or higher-level qualification in adult education or vocational education and training’ and including a definition to provide greater clarity and address existing confusion around this term identified in consultation feedback. This helps to clarify that persons with vocational education and training qualifications can deliver training and assessment.

The Credential Policy also provides clarification in areas where consultation showed this was needed including:

  • clarifying that RTOs must ensure the credentials held by trainers and assessors are relevant to the context they are working in,
  • reinforcing the requirement for trainers and assessors to have industry competencies, skills and knowledge, and
  • clarifying the role of the person providing direction, including where they are providing direction to industry experts.

Online Guidance Hub

Further information on the Revised Standards is available in the Online Guidance Hub.

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