The following Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs) have been developed to assist RTOs to prepare for the implementation of the Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
Last updated:

If you have any further queries, please contact the Training Accreditation Council Secretariat via tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au  or phone (08) 9224 6510.​

Why have the Standards changed?

The current Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) have been in place since 2015 and contain a variety of different types of requirements. Some are focused on outcomes, some on inputs, some are highly prescriptive and administrative in nature, while others are broad.

To ensure an RTO’s focus is on delivering high-quality and innovative training, the Standards need to be clearly focused on quality learner outcomes.

Why are the Standards now separated into three documents?

This approach reflects early feedback from the sector that the mix of quality-oriented and compliance-focused requirements in the 2015 Standards causes undue focus on prescriptive compliance at the expense of good organisational practises that deliver quality outcomes for learners and employers, and that the current Standards are complex and difficult to navigate.

The purpose of the Standards is to:

  • support RTOs to deliver nationally consistent, high-quality training that leads to quality outcomes for students, industry, employers and the Australian community;
  • ensure training and assessment delivered by RTOs meets industry requirements (as set out in training packages and accredited courses), and ensures students are well equipped for employment and further study; and
  • ensure RTOs operate with integrity and consider the needs of both students and industry.

The Outcomes Standards are the foundation for quality training – describing key factors that contribute to quality VET. They set out the key elements of quality training and assessment, which organisations must demonstrate to be registered, and maintain registration, as a training provider.

The Compliance Requirements (including the Fit and Proper Person Requirements and NRT Logo Conditions of Use Policy) set out requirements relating to accountability, integrity of nationally recognised training products, and information and transparency that RTOs must meet at all times to protect VET students and support the integrity of Australia’s VET sector. 

The Credential Policy largely reflects existing requirements drawn from the current Standards for RTOs.  The policy operates alongside the Standards outlining the credentials required for delivering training and assessment and undertaking validation of assessment.


What are the Compliance Requirements and the Credential Policy – do I need to meet compliance for these separate to the Outcomes Standards?

Compliance Requirements

The Compliance Requirements (including the Fit and Proper Person Requirements and NRT Logo Conditions of Use Policy) set out requirements relating to accountability, integrity of nationally recognised training products, and information and transparency that RTOs must meet at all times to protect VET students and support the integrity of Australia’s VET sector.

The Compliance Requirements mirror many of the requirements contained in the 2015 Standards.

Click here for more information and to download the Compliance Requirements.


Credential Policy

The Credential Policy outlines detailed information about credential requirements for trainers and assessors working in various contexts.

The Credential Policy mirrors many of the requirements contained in the 2015 Standards. 

Click here for more information and to download the Credential Policy.

Revised Standards Implementation

While the policy documents for the Standards have been approved by Skills Ministers, the final legislative instruments to enact the revised Standards for RTOs in the National VET Regulator Act 2011 (NVETRA), will be sought from Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council in late 2024.

Please note the exact wording of the revised Standards, the Compliance Requirements, and the Credential Policy may be subject to change in order to meet the drafting requirements.

Amendments to the Vocational Education and Training (General) Regulations 2009 are required in order to fully implement the revised Standards in Western Australia. Subject to these amendments, planned implementation for the Council and RTOs regulated by the TAC is also July 2025.

The 2015 Standards will continue to be in place until WA regulatory amendments are finalised.

What is the transition plan for TAC registered RTOs who are due for renewal in 2025?

Further information on the transition plan for TAC regulated RTOs will be released at a later date.

In the meantime, the TAC Education Program and online guidance hub will focus on assisting RTOs to prepare for the revised Standards. 

How can RTOs demonstrate compliance?

TAC encourages RTOs to become familiar with the Outcome Standards, Compliance Requirements and the Credential Policy.

The following may also help RTOs:

  • Focus on ensuring your governance arrangements are in place and meet the requirements.
  • Identify what your organisation does to deliver quality training and assessment such as  staff with the correct credentials to deliver training and carry out assessments.
  • Identify what your organisation does to deliver quality training and assessment such as ensuring staff have the correct credentials to deliver training and carry out assessments.
  • Identify what systems you have in place to gather feedback from your stakeholders (staff, students, employers) and ensure you have systems in place to demonstrate continuous improvement based on this feedback. 

Will I still be able to use my Training and Assessment Strategy?

To ensure integration of training and assessment approaches and systems, many RTOs may choose to develop detailed training and assessment strategies that holistically describe the training (including how it has been developed and informed) and the assessment (including how it is conducted and quality assured) in line with the training product.

Under Standard 1.2 - the RTO demonstrates:

(b) it uses the advice and feedback to inform changes to training and assessment strategies and practices

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