Recognition of prior learning and credit transfer: Standard 1.6, 1.7

Standards 1.6 and 1.7 relates to the focus area of recognition of prior learning and credit transfer.
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Standards 1.6 and 1.7 relates to the focus area of recognition of prior learning and credit transfer.

Standard 1.6

VET students with prior skills, knowledge and competencies are supported to seek recognition of prior learning to progress through the relevant training product.


VET students with prior skills, knowledge and competencies are supported to seek recognition of prior learning to progress through the relevant training product.

Performance Indicator

The RTO demonstrates:

  1. VET students are offered opportunities to seek recognition of prior learning and are made aware of the organisation’s policies for seeking recognition of prior learning;
  2. decisions relating to recognition of prior learning are based on evidence of prior skills, learning and experience, and are undertaken in accordance with the organisation’s assessment system; and
  3. decisions relating to recognition of prior learning are documented and decided in a way that is fair, transparent, consistent amongst VET students, and maintains the integrity of the training product.

Intent of Standard 1.7

An important outcome of a competency-based VET system is that students who can demonstrate certain competencies described in a training product (to the level of rigour required by these Standards) can have such competencies recognised without undertaking further unnecessary formal training.

RTOs play a role in supporting students to efficiently progress through a training product where they have the relevant pre-existing skills, learning and/or experience. Students, including prospective students, who consider that their prior learning reflects what is required under the training product can be assessed and may have their training product abridged to reflect their proven competencies. RTOs are to determine the extent to which an individual meets the training product requirements through an assessment process that complies with the requirements in the Standards.

It is recognised that enabling recognition of prior learning might not be appropriate or practical in all circumstances. For example, it may not be an efficient use of a student’s time or RTO resources to undertake assessment of prior competencies for short, low-cost courses. However, in this case RTOs must be transparent with students about their policies for recognition of prior learning and must be able to justify why recognition of prior learning is not appropriate where it is not made available.

RTOs are required to act fairly, consistently and transparently when making decisions about recognition of prior learning.

Considerations for different RTOs

RTOs delivering short courses – For some particularly short, low cost courses, a recognition of prior learning process may have limited value to students. In such cases, RTOs must still be able to demonstrate how they have formed this view and how this is transparently communicated to students prior to their enrolment.

Self-Assurance Considerations

In self-assuring against this Standard, consider (among other things):

  • how you ensure individuals are aware of the opportunities to be assessed for recognition of prior learning
  • how you ensure assessment of recognition of prior learning is conducted in accordance with the Standards and is robust enough to identify proven competencies
  • how you have used the principles of fairness, consistency and transparency in designing your recognition of prior learning policy and practices
  • whether the practice used to record recognition of prior learning outcomes meet the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence
  • how do you ensure individuals understand the recognition of prior learning process should they choose to engage in this way

Standard 1.7

VET students who have previously completed an equivalent training product are supported to have their training recognised.


VET students who have previously completed an equivalent training product are supported to have their training recognised.

Performance Indicator

The RTO demonstrates:

  1. VET students are offered opportunities to seek credit transfer and are made aware of the RTO’s policies for this
  2. credit transfer is based on evidence of prior completion of an equivalent training product demonstrated by AQF certification documentation or an authenticated VET transcript (unless prevented by licensing or regulatory requirements or the training product)
  3. decisions about credit transfer are fair, consistent and transparent, and are documented.

Intent of Standard 1.7

A key pillar of the national VET system is that nationally endorsed training products are recognised and portable. Students who have already been assessed as competent through equivalent training products should have those competencies upheld and have the benefit of reduced time and expense in the VET sector, unless a regulatory requirement or licence condition (including an industry licensing scheme) requires this.

If a student provides suitable evidence that they have successfully completed an equivalent training product through another RTO, RTOs are required to support the student to seek and attain appropriate credit. In ensuring this occurs, students are to be informed about their opportunity to seek credit transfer and be given access to an RTO’s policies about how credit can be applied. RTOs are required to act fairly, consistently and transparently as part of the credit transfer process, and document all decisions.

Self-Assurance Considerations

In self-assuring against this Standard, consider (among other things):

  • the ways in which you promote credit transfer and whether this information is easily accessible to all students
  • how you have used the principles of fairness, consistency and transparency in designing your credit transfer policy and practices
  • how you use documented outcomes from credit transfers


Standard 1.6 and 1.7 Reflective Questions

In considering the reflective questions, consider the extent to which your current practices are working and what if any, changes you could make to improve these. It may be helpful to think about examples.

  1. How do you promote credit transfer and ensure students understand if the process is an option for them?
  2. How do you promote recognition of prior learning and ensure students understand the process and options available to them?
  3. How do you ensure that your credit transfer policy is consistently applied?
  4. What do you have in place to determine credit transfer, including equivalency?
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