Lithium industry support program: financial assistance package for projects

Waiver of port charges and mining tenement fees for lithium miners in the ramp-up phase of their project
Last updated:


As part of the Lithium Industry Support Program, the State Government will provide fee waiver support to lithium miners in the ramp-up phase for a period of up to 24 months, after which lithium prices are expected to recover to an economically sustainable level. The fee waiver program will help to protect local jobs and investment in lithium production during an unexpected plunge in the price of lithium.

To support lithium miners in the ramp-up phase of their project, port charges and mining tenement fees will be waived for up to 24 months, to the value of $9.37 million.

Guidelines, terms and conditions are available in the below Guidelines for Assistance with Fees and Charges for Lithium Miners and Processors document. 



Who is eligible

Lithium mining companies in the ramp up phase of development.

Lithium mining companies actively operating lithium mining operations in Western Australia that have commenced sale of lithium spodumene concentrate and are within the first eight quarters of commencing lithium product sales are eligible for fee waiver assistance. Port and mining tenement fees associated with lithium operations will be waived for eligible proponents.

When will this come into effect

1 January 2025.

Port and tenement fee waivers will commence from 1 January 2025, and continue until either 31 December 2026 or after two successive quarters where the average price of lithium spodumene concentrate exceeds US$1,100 per tonne.

What fees and charges will be waived?

Full details are in the Guidelines
  • Port charges: Wharfage and ship loading fees (as applicable).
  • Mining tenement fees and charges: Annual tenement rentals for mining leases, general
    purpose leases and miscellaneous licences comprising mining operations in the ramp up
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