Lithium industry support program: Financial Support Guidelines

Fact sheet
Guidelines for fees and charges waiver assistance for lithium processors and miners
Last updated:

Lithium is a key critical mineral supporting the global energy transition, and there is enormous potential for the lithium sector to underpin a globally significant value adding critical minerals processing industry in Western Australia.

Guidelines have been developed for: 

  1. Temporary assistance with fees and charges in relation to water, electricity and land to support lithium hydroxide processing operations.
  2. Temporary assistance with government fees and charges in relation to ports and mining tenements to support lithium mining operations in the ‘ramp up’ phase of development. 

Please note: 

  • The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) is responsible for administering the Program on behalf of the State. 
  • These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with any funding announcements or updates from the State.
  • These Guidelines and any discussions with State officers are for information purposes only and do not constitute advice.
  • These Guidelines may be updated, varied or revoked at any time. 
  • Applicants should be aware that receipt of financial assistance may be publicly disclosed. The Program will be subject to a review 12 months following implementation.
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