Easter Saturday - the day that falls between the Good Friday and Easter Sunday public holidays - is not a public holiday in WA. However, some WA awards recognise Easter Saturday as a public holiday for the purposes of the award or establish special pay arrangements on this day.
Key WA awards which designate Easter Saturday as a public holiday for the purposes of the award are:
- Aboriginal Communities and Organisations Award
- Crisis Assistance, Supported Housing Industry Award
- Social and Community Services Award
- Local Government Officers Award
- Municipal Employees Award
- Retail Pharmacists Award
Employees under these awards who work Easter Saturday must be paid public holiday rates. View the relevant WA award summary for public holiday pay rates for these awards.
A group of other WA awards require employees to be paid a higher rate of pay when working on Easter Saturday, but do not designate the day as a public holiday for the purposes of the award.
Key WA awards that require a higher rate of pay when working on Easter Saturday are:
- Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award
- Building Trades and Labourers (Construction) Award
- Clerks (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) Award
- Hair and Beauty Industry (WA) Award
View the WA award summary for the pay rates for Easter Saturday for these awards.
Employees who are covered by an industrial agreement should check the specific provisions in the agreement by contacting the human resources area of your employing organisation.