Goldfields Regional Network

The development of a new electricity network – the Goldfields Regional Network (GRN) – is being investigated to support the decarbonisation of the Goldfields region and to meet growing industry demand as part of Western Australia's energy transformation.
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The Western Australian Government’s plans to transform and decarbonise our electricity system are well underway. Unlocking low emission, renewable energy in the Goldfields is an important part of these plans and will be critical to meeting our target of Net Zero by 2050.

Mining, metals and minerals industries make the Goldfields a crucial part of the Western Australian economy, and the region has a deep connection to the history and identity of our State. Encompassing a massive geographical area, the Goldfields is rich in resources, minerals, cultural heritage, unique landscapes, and community opportunities.

To decarbonise and fully realise the opportunities of the energy transition, the Goldfields region will require new electricity infrastructure.

The Goldfields Regional Network

Electricity modelling as part of the South West Interconnected System Demand Assessment (SWISDA) identified the potential development of a new electricity network in the Goldfields as a key component of WA’s energy transformation.

The State Government is working with local Aboriginal people and industry to explore the development of a new common-use electricity network in the region – the Goldfields Regional Network (GRN). This network would be privately-owned and developed collaboratively with local Aboriginal people, industry, and communities in the region.

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The GRN would connect renewable energy generation, particularly high-quality wind resources available north of Leinster, to where it is needed. This would allow industry in the Goldfields access to low-emissions energy and ensure the supply of electricity in the region is able to meet future demand. The potential network would also support decarbonisation of the region’s mining, metals and minerals processing loads, while also enhancing energy reliability and resilience in the region - benefiting both industry and community.

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We are engaging with local Aboriginal people, Goldfields communities and industry to help develop the best possible solutions for the GRN. As part of this engagement, the inaugural Goldfields Region Electricity (GRE) Forum took place on Friday 1 November 2024 in Kalgoorlie. The GRE Forum brought together stakeholders to further investigate the development of the Network.

The State Government will continue to engage with stakeholders to explore the challenges and opportunities in the Goldfields and investigate the viability of the GRN. Communities, local Aboriginal people, and industry will remain central to the planning and development of this project.

<svg xmlns="" height="40px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="40px" fill="#000000"><path d="M125.37-227q-40.37 0-69.2-28.85-28.84-28.85-28.84-70.19 0-41.33 29.12-70.48 29.12-29.15 68.56-29.15 7.66 0 14.49 1.5t17.5 2.84l147.67-148.09q-2-10.25-3-16.28-1-6.03-1-15.2 0-40.99 29.29-69.71 29.3-28.72 70.33-28.72 41.04 0 70.21 29.13 29.17 29.12 29.17 70.03 0 8.5-4 28.45l75.99 76.05q9.23-1 15.68-2.5 6.45-1.5 12.56-1.5 6.1 0 13.6 1.34Q621-497 630.29-495l109.04-109.03q-1.66-8.24-2.66-15.85-1-7.61-1-15.09 0-41.12 29.1-69.58Q793.87-733 835.1-733t69.4 28.41q28.17 28.4 28.17 70.1 0 41.19-28.6 70.34Q875.48-535 835.33-535q-7 0-14.66-1-7.67-1-17-2.67l-108 109q1.66 9.34 2.66 16.24 1 6.91 1 14.2 0 40.1-28.71 69.33-28.71 29.23-69.92 29.23-40.7 0-70.53-29.15-29.84-29.15-29.84-69.29 0-9.08 1.5-15.24t2.5-16.42l-73.52-73.56q-10.26 1.01-16.54 2.51-6.28 1.5-14.46 1.5-8.72 0-28.72-4.01L220.67-353.9q2.33 8.23 3.33 14.7 1 6.47 1 14.8 0 39.32-29 68.36Q166.99-227 125.37-227Z"/></svg> Project timeline

After being approved by the Minister for Energy, a GRN concept study commenced in mid-2024 to establish its feasibility and consider options and opportunities. 

The inaugural Goldfields Region Electricity (GRE) Forum was held in Kalgoorlie in early November to share information and consult on the project.

Outcomes from the concept study and forum will help to shape future stages of the project planning, to be conducted in late 2024 and early 2025. This will potentially culminate in an expression of interest process for the development of an industry-led project.

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