Goldfields Region Electricity Forum

The inaugural Goldfields Region Electricity Forum will bring together local Aboriginal people, industry and government to investigate the development of a new electricity network in the Goldfields.
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Goldfields Region Electricity Forum

On Friday 1 November 2024, the inaugural Goldfields Region Electricity (GRE) Forum took place in Kalgoorlie to investigate the development of a new common-use electricity network in the region - the Goldfields Regional Network (GRN). 

<svg xmlns="" height="40px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="40px" fill="#000000"><path d="m773-90.67-75.33-74.66 50.66-51.34H591.67v-106.66h156.66l-50.66-50L773-448.67l179.33 179.34L773-90.67Zm-372.95-284q52.55 0 95.42-25.16Q538.33-425 565-467.33q-34.67-26.34-76.79-40.84-42.12-14.5-88.35-14.5-46.24 0-88.22 14.5-41.97 14.5-75.97 40.84 26 42.33 68.91 67.5 42.92 25.16 95.47 25.16Zm.22-201.33q30.78 0 52.42-21.72t21.64-52.22q0-30.77-21.84-52.42Q430.65-724 399.98-724q-30.68 0-52.16 21.84-21.49 21.85-21.49 52.52t21.72 52.15Q369.77-576 400.27-576Zm-.27 77.67Zm0 448q-176.33-145.34-262.83-265.5Q50.67-436 50.67-555.67q0-161.05 105.11-258.19Q260.89-911 400-911q138.83 0 244.41 97.14Q750-716.72 750-555.67q0 8.25-.84 16.62-.85 8.36-1.4 17.72H639q1-9.34 2.67-18.14 1.66-8.8 1.66-16.35 0-108.18-70.67-178.35-70.67-70.16-172.47-70.16t-172.66 70.16q-70.86 70.17-70.86 178.5 0 82.96 60.83 168.15 60.83 85.19 182.5 196.85 15.9-14.66 30.95-28.5Q446-233 459.33-246.33l12.11 11.79q12.1 11.8 27 25.5 14.89 13.71 26.06 25.87L535.67-171q-30 28.33-63.39 58.69Q438.9-81.96 400-50.33Z"/></svg> Transitioning the Goldfields

The State Government’s plans to transform and decarbonise our electricity system are well underway. The Goldfields is an important part of this plan. 

The region is an important part of the Western Australian economy and has a special connection to our history. Unlocking low-emission, renewable energy in the region is a crucial element of transforming and decarbonising our electricity system and will be critical to meeting our target of Net Zero by 2050. 

To fully realise the opportunities of the energy transition, the Goldfields region will require new electricity infrastructure. Electricity modelling as part of the South West Interconnected System Demand Assessment (SWISDA) identified the potential development of a new electricity network in the Goldfields as a key component of WA’s energy transformation. 

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The GRE Forum brought together local Aboriginal people, industry and Government to investigate the potential development of the Goldfields Regional Network. The forum followed the commencement of a concept study in mid-2024 to establish the feasibility of the network and consider options, challenges and opportunities, and will be a chance to share information and consult on the project.

Outcomes from the concept study and forum will help to shape future stages of the project planning, to be conducted in late 2024 and early 2025. This will potentially culminate in an expression of interest process for the development of an industry-led project.

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