Department of Communities Grants Programs

The Department of Communities provides grants to community sector organisations and local governments to plan and implement projects, events and initiatives that help to improve the lives of Western Australians.
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All grants

Below is a list of all grants provided by the Department of Communities.

Community Housing Grants Program

Current status: Open.
Community Housing - Regional Grants Program applications are now open.

Up to $50 million in grant funding is now available as part of an initiative to help increase the supply and diversity of new and refurbished social housing projects in regional WA.

For this funding, Local Government (LGAs) and registered community housing providers are invited to submit well-progressed proposals through the Call for Submissions process.

Please contact Communities to discuss and define projects to determine whether they meet the eligibility requirements of the Regional Grants Round, prior to submission.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Regional Grants program

Current status: Open.
The WEAAD Regional Grants Program is now open.

The WEAAD Regional Grants Program is now open and will provide grants of up $5,000 for initiatives that raise awareness of elder abuse.

Regional local governments and registered not-for-profit organisations around Western Australia can apply for grants to hold initiatives in regional areas between 10 and 30 June. Metropolitan based organisations can also apply to run in-person regional activities.

To find out more, visit the Department's World Elder Abuse Awareness Day webpage or go to the Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre (NSCLC) website.

Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) Aboriginal Employee Housing Grants Program

Current status: Closed.
The ACCO Aboriginal Employee Housing Grants Program is now closed.

The Aboriginal Employee Housing Grants Program will deliver housing for ACCOs and their Aboriginal employees in the Pilbara and Kimberley.

For more information please visit the ACCO Aboriginal Employee Housing Grants Program webpage.

Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) Capability Building Grants Program

Current status: Closed.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) Capability Building Grants Program 2021 applications are now closed.

Funding of up to $45,454 (excluding GST) per project is available for eligible Aboriginal not-for-profit or charitable organisations for capability building activities that provide services to Aboriginal children, families, people and communities within WA.

Aboriginal Family Safety Grants

Current Status: Closed.

The Aboriginal Family Safety grants program closed Tuesday 2 July 2024.

One-off grant funding through the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program 2024 for eligible organisations to deliver Aboriginal and community-led family safety activities in their region, over a period of up to two years.

The grant program supports activities that are designed to prevent or respond to family violence and that are aligned to the Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032.

To be eligible to apply for a grant through this Grants Program applicants must be an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) and/or a not-for-profit registered Aboriginal business.

The outcomes of the grant program were released on 6 December 2024. For more information and a list of the successful projects, visit the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program.

Addressing Family Violence in the Kimberley Grants Program 2020-2022

Current status: Closed.
Addressing Family Violence in the Kimberley Grants Program 2020-2022 applications are now closed.

Communities has a total grants budget of $2.6 million to trial the Addressing Family Violence in the Kimberley Grants Program focused on developing place-based family violence interventions in the Kimberley region. Grants are available to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) or organisations working in partnership with an ACCO.

Age-friendly and Dementia-friendly Communities Grants Program

Current status: Closed.
Age-friendly and Dementia-friendly Communities Grants Program applications are now closed.

Grants of up to $15,000 are available for local governments and incorporated not-for-profit community organisations to implement age-friendly, active/positive ageing, other seniors-related strategies, and dementia-friendly strategies.

Age-friendly Communities Connectivity Grants program

Current status: Closed.
Age-friendly Communities Connectivity Grants Program applications are now closed.

Grants of up to $15,000 per project. Available for local governments and incorporated not-for-profit community organisations to implement age-friendly, active and positive ageing, and other seniors-related strategies that focus on challenging ageism, reducing loneliness and improving older people's connections within their local community.

For the first time, grants are also available through a new stream available to support local governments progress work to join the World Health Organisation’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (WHO GNAFCC).

Find out more about the Age-friendly Communities Connectivity Grants Program

All-terrain Wheelchair Access for National Parks and Beaches

Current status: Closed.
All-terrain Wheelchair Access for National Parks and Beaches grant applications are now closed.

Grants of up to $10,000 are available to increase the availability of all-terrain wheelchairs in National Parks and beaches across Western Australia to support people with disability to connect to their community, participate more actively in community life and recreate in the natural environment.

Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Child Care Workers program

Current status: Closed.
Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Child Care Workers program grant applications are now closed.

A total of $250,000 in grant funding - available as part of the Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Child Care Workers Program.

For more information please visit the Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Childcare Workers Program.

Community Gardens Grants Program

Current status: Closed.
Community Gardens Grants Program applications are now closed.

Grants of up to $10,000 to assist with the planning, development and implementation of community garden projects across Western Australia.

Community Housing Organisation (CHO) Maintenance Grants Program 2021

Current status: Closed.
Community Housing Organisation (CHO) Maintenance Grants Program applications are now closed.

Forming part of the Social Housing Economic Recovery Package (SHERP), grants of up to $20,000 are available for Community Housing Organisations (registered and non-registered) to conduct non-urgent maintenance on eligible items in regional locations across Western Australia. Applications close at 2:30pm Monday 1 February 2021.

COVID-19 Community Housing Rent Relief Grant Program

Current status: Closed.
COVID-19 Community Housing Rent Relief Grant Program applications are now closed.

Grants are available to eligible community housing organisations (including local government authorities) that froze rent payable increases during the entire COVID-19 Emergency Period; or intend to credit tenants/occupants for rent payable increases charged during this period.

COVID-19 Youth Recovery Grants Program

Current status: Closed.
COVID-19 Youth Recovery Grants applications are now closed.

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for local governments and community organisations to implement projects that engage young people (10–25 years old) in creative ways and help achieve positive outcomes.

Family and Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Grants

Current Status: Closed.

One-off grant funding is available through the Family and Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Grants Program 2024/2026 for eligible organisations to deliver activities in their region, over a period of two years, that work towards the prevention of violence against women and their children.

To be eligible to apply for a grant through this Grants Program applicants must be:

  • incorporated not-for-profit community organisations,
  • local government authorities, or
  • unincorporated organisations or community groups, applying through the auspice of an incorporated body or a local government authority.

The Grants program is now closed.

For grants recipients information, visit our Family and Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Grants webpage.

Financial Counselling Traineeships 2021-2023

Current status: Closed.
Financial Counselling Traineeship Program applications are now closed.

The Financial Counselling Traineeships Grant Program 2021-2023 will contribute towards the establishment of a training pipeline and the longer-term sustainability of the financial counselling workforce in Western Australia.

Grants of up to $110,000 over two years in metropolitan Perth and Mandurah locations and up to $120,000 over two years in regional locations for each FTE trainee are available for financial counselling services currently funded by the Department for Communities.

International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) grants

Current status: Closed.

Grants awarded to eligible organisations to host events and activities recognising International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).

For grants recipients information, visit our IDPwD grant recipients webpage.

Local Government Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Grants Program

Current status: Closed.
The AEDC Grants Program is currently closed.

The AEDC Grants Program provides grants of up to $100,000 for Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Western Australia to deliver programs that address the early development needs of young children in their community.

Find out more and download the guidelines and application form on the AEDC Grants Program page.

Local Government Partnership Fund for Homelessness

Current status: Closed.
Local Government Partnership Fund for Homelessness is now closed.

Grants ranging from $25,000 to $200,000 to provide one-off financial co-contributions towards new initiatives that are identified and led by local governments to respond to and prevent homelessness around Western Australia.

Support for Early Childhood Education and Care Services in Regional WA

Current status: Closed.
Grant recipients were announced on 27 May 2024.

The EOI closed at 2:30pm on Friday, 3 November 2023.

Grant recipients were announced on 27 May 2024. For more information visit Funding to support Early Childhood Education and Care in Regional WA.

Thank a Volunteer Day Grants Program

Current status: Closed.

Grants of up to $1,000 available for community organisations to host events or activities occurring between 2 - 8 December 2024 in celebration of volunteers for International Volunteer Day (5 December 2024). 

WA Youth Engagement Grants

Current status: Closed.
2025 Youth Engagement Grants applications are now closed.
  • Grants of up to $5,000 available for short-term, one-off activities or initiatives of up to six months’ duration. Grants of up to $10,000 for longer term, community-wide, strategic initiatives (6-12 months).
  • Find out more about the Youth Engagement Grants program.

Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future

Current status: Closed.
The Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future program will support initiatives that align with the priority areas of Stronger Together: WA's Plan for Gender Equality, which are: health and well-being, safety and justice, women's economic independence and women in leadership.

The 2024-25 Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future program consists of four separate grant opportunities:

  1. Stronger Together Annual Grants Program: Grants up to $10,000 for one-off initiatives.
  2. Stronger Together Pilot Projects Grants Program: Grants between $20,000 to $50,000 for pilot projects with a duration of two years that target one or more of the four priority areas of Stronger Together.
  3. Stronger Together Women Led Economic Initiatives Grants Program: Grants between $50,000 to $100,000 for women-led, community-based initiatives that focus on driving economic gender equality.
  4. Stronger Together Safety and Justice Grants Program: Grants between $100,000 to $250,000 for projects that work towards the primary prevention of violence against women, with a focus on sexual violence and aligning with the Safety and Justice priority area of Stronger Together. 

Find out more about Women's Grants for a Stronger Future, including grants recipients.

Youth Week WA Grants

Current status: Closed.

Grants of up to $1,500 - available for eligible organisations to deliver a range of projects including (but not limited to) festivals, events, forums, workshops, seminars and talks contributing to the celebration of Youth Week WA 2025.

Grants of up to $3,000 - available for community-wide events, delivered through collaborative community partnerships that are actively involved in the planning and delivery of the project. Activities may include (but are not limited to):

  • community-wide youth festivals with multiple organisations hosting activities; and
  • programs of multiple events and activities delivered throughout Youth Week WA 2025.

Find out more on the Youth Week WA Grants page.

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