Funding opportunities for Community Housing Organisations

Funding is provided by the Department of Communities (Communities) to registered Community Housing Organisations through a number of programs, including Expression of Interest (EOI) and Request for Proposal (RFP) processes.
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Expression of Interest and Request for Proposal Processes

Other funding is also available as a result of State and Government investment in social and affordable housing in Western Australia. 

With this funding, Communities announced a series of innovative approaches to the procurement of social and affordable housing, including an expression of interest (EOI) process for development proposals and a number of site specific Requests for Proposals (RFP).

Community Housing Providers may also apply for funding through these EOI and RFP Processes.

Call for Submissions from Community Housing Providers

Communities is calling for submissions from registered community housing providers to help increase the supply and diversity of social housing across Western Australia.

The Call for Submissions from Community Housing Providers provides a framework for Communities to work with registered community housing providers in a variety of ways to refurbish or deliver new housing options managed by the sector for vulnerable people. This could include capital grant funding, land leases, and land contributions.

Community housing providers must first contact us at to discuss and define projects prior to lodging a submission. Following this, a submission can then be made to Communities at any time until 16 September 2024. Please note that the intention is for this CFS to be renewed on an annual basis.

Download the Call for Submissions documentation below which outlines the requirements and evaluation criteria.

Regional Grants Round

Up to $50 million in grant funding is now available as part of an initiative to help increase the supply and diversity of new and refurbished social housing projects in regional WA.

For this funding, registered community housing providers are invited to submit well-progressed proposals through the Call for Submissions process.

Please contact prior to lodging a submission to discuss whether your project meets the eligibility requirements of the Regional Grants Round.

Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the Call for Submissions documentation available above in addition to the Regional Grants Round Guidance Notes available below. You can also find out more about the Regional Grants Round through our Frequently Asked Questions document available below.