Aboriginal Family Safety Grants

Grant funding of $5.75 million is now available for Aboriginal and community-led initiatives that prevent or respond to family violence throughout Western Australia.
Last updated:

The Department of Communities is offering one-off grant funding through the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program 2024 for eligible organisations to develop Aboriginal and community-led family safety activities in their region, over a period of two years. 

The grant program supports activities that are designed to prevent or respond to family violence and that are aligned to the Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032.

To be eligible to apply for a grant through this Grants Program applicants must be an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) and/or a not-for-profit registered Aboriginal business.

The Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy (DCSP) defines an ACCO as an organisation that is:

  • incorporated under relevant legislation and not-for-profit.
  • controlled and operated by a majority of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
  • involved or connected to the community, or communities, in which it delivers the services.
  • governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body.

A registered Aboriginal business must be registered on either the Aboriginal Business Directory WA or Supply Nation’s Indigenous Business Direct and also be registered as a not-for-profit business/organisation.

You can access the grant guidelines and application form from Tenders WA.

Non-mandatory briefing: 

On 30 May 2024 beginning at 10:00am, the Department of Communities held a webinar briefing to outline the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program. The webinar resources are provided below:



On 2 May 2024, the Department of Communities held a webinar to outline the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program. The webinar resources are provided below:

How to register on Tenders WA

New Users:

  • Go to www.tenders.wa.gov.au
  • Select the 'Register new business - Registering on Tenders WA' link (second information box on left hand side menu).
  • Complete the E form which also provides access to ‘detailed help’ guidelines.
  • Select the following categories to receive automatic Tenders WA alerts for new Community Services advertisements:

Existing Users:

  • For organisations that are already registered, please double check that your details are current, especially your registered user and their contact details and email address.