Online Duties: Certificates

Generate and print an endorsed Certificate of Duty.

A Responsible Party who has entered into a Special Tax Return Arrangement with the Commissioner of State Revenue is authorised under section 49 of the Taxation Administration Act 2003 to endorse an instrument to indicate the amount of duty paid on a dutiable transaction.

The endorsement is in the form of a Certificate of Duty issued through Online Duties.

Endorsement of a self-assessed instrument requires the printed Certificate of Duty to be attached to the instrument that has been self-assessed. The certificate replaces the need to physically endorse or otherwise mark the instrument that has been assessed.

The Special Tax Return Arrangement prohibits the Responsible Party from releasing the Certificate of Duty to any person until they have collected the duty payable.

You cannot void or modify a certificate once the transaction has been settled.

To print a Certificate of Duty and include the transaction in the monthly return for lodgment and payment, click Print Certificate.

You can reprint a Certificate of Duty if the original certificate is damaged, lost or destroyed. A reprinted Certificate of Duty will have a ‘Reprint’ watermark showing that an original Certificate of Duty has previously been printed for the transaction.


The Add NDD (No Double Duty) function allows a user to request a Certificate of Duty for a transaction that is not chargeable with duty.  Add NDD from the View Transaction screen.

Void certificate

You can void an original Certificate of Duty together with any duplicate and NDD certificates if the original transaction has incorrect details entered or there is a delay in the settlement of the transaction.

Voiding a certificate does not cancel a transaction. However, if a transaction has been cancelled after the certificate was printed, it will be voided and you will need to print a new Certificate of Duty.

Once the certificate is voided, the bundle transaction will revert to an assessed status. You will need to print the certificate again before the final print date.

If you need to void a Certificate of Duty after the current return period has ended and the return has been paid or the transaction has been settled, transfer it to RevenueWA for reassessment.

Modify certificate

You can amend any errors in an existing lodgment until the transaction is due for payment. If a Certificate of Duty has previously been printed for the transaction, it will be voided and you will need to print a new Certificate of Duty.

If you need to make modifications to the certificate after the current return period has ended and the return has been paid or the transaction has been settled, transfer it to RevenueWA for reassessment.

Manual backup

Use the Manual Backup System to print certificates if Online Duties is not available.

First establish the reason for the fault. You can use the system if the fault is with Revenue Online and:

  • you have printed a supply of the Manual Backup Certificates and they are available for use and
  • the Commissioner has broadcast a suitable system failure message on the Revenue Online site or
  • the Commissioner has given you written authorisation to use the Manual Backup Certificates. 

Only the Authorised Person, Administrator and General Users with the access ‘Online Duties Assessments’ can use the manual backup system.

You cannot use this system to endorse related parties and substituted transferees transactions.

Generate certificates

In advance, use the ‘Manual Backup – Generate/Regenerate’ function to print and securely retain up to 20 Manual Backup Certificates.

Click Generate to create the Manual Backup Certificates. Each certificate will have a unique Manual Certificate Number which is linked to the Responsible Party’s account. They will generate as a PDF for print or download.

Regenerate certificates

The regenerate function can be used to regenerate Manual Backup Certificates to be kept on hand when the original ones are lost or destroyed.

Click ‘Manual Backup-Generate/Regenerate’.

Select the Manual Backup Certificates that have been lost or destroyed by ticking the relevant boxes and then click on ‘Regenerate’.  They will be generated in PDF format for print or download.

Validate certificates

When Online Duties is working as normal, you must validate any Manual Backup Certificates used within seven working days.

To validate, click ‘Manual Backup – Validate’.

Complete the details as per your Manual Backup Certificate then click Validate.

Enter the following details:

  • Certificate Issue Date (the date the Manual Backup Certificate was used).
  • If the Manual Backup Certificate was used for a transaction not yet lodged in Online Duties, tick ‘No Bundle ID'.
  • If the transaction has been lodged in Online Duties, enter the Bundle ID.
  • Enter the duty, foreign transfer duty (if applicable) and penalty tax amounts as per the Manual Backup Certificate.
  • Click ‘Modify Transaction’ to continue.
  • The ‘Transaction Details’ screen will be available to modify any information that could be incorrect from the Manual Backup Certificate. Once the amendments have been made and when you have checked that all the information is correct, click ‘Next’ to continue.
  • At the ‘Confirm Transaction’ screen, enter the Manual Backup Certificate Number in the ‘Primary Certificate field’. Click ‘Confirm’ to proceed.

Once the Manual Backup Certificate number is confirmed, Online Duties will generate a Certificate of Duty with the Manual Backup Certificate number. The transaction will then been included in the current return period.

Restore Manual Backup Certificate stock levels

The restore function should be used when Manual Backup Certificates have been used. This will restore levels to the available limit of 20 to be kept on hand in case of a system outage.

Click ‘Manual Backup-Generate/Regenerate’ then ‘Restore’.

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