Online Duties and Duties Lodgments User Guide

Use Online Duties to lodge, self assess and pay duty. Use Duties Lodgments to lodge dutiable transactions that are not approved for self-assessment.

Use Online Duties to self-assess approved transactions and pay duty in a monthly return if you are a licensed WA settlement agent or lawyer. You must be registered before you can use Online Duties.

Use Duties Lodgments to lodge transactions for assessment if they are not eligible for self-assessment.

  • You must be registered for Online Duties.
  • Only licensed WA settlement agents and lawyers are eligible to register.
  • If you're not a registered settlement agent or lawyer, use the Duties Online Services Portal.

Access Online Duties or Duties Lodgments

To log in to your Revenue Online (Online Duties) account:

Password policy

When logging in for the first time you will be required to change your password. See information about the password policy and requirements.

Landing page navigation

When you have successfully logged in, you will see the ROL landing page (as shown below). From this page you can access Online Duties and Duties Lodgments. Administrator users can also access the various Account Administration functions from this page.

Screenshot of ROL homepage
Screenshot of ROL homepage


Online DutiesOpen Online Duties.
Duties LodgmentsOpen Duties Lodgments.
Maintain myIDConnect your myID and ROL account.
Maintain UsersAllows Administrators to add new users, modify user details, status, or access rights, and revoke existing users.
Maintain ClientsAllows Administrators to maintain registration details such as names and addresses.
Maintain CIPAAllows Administrators to add financial institution account details to enable CIPA (direct debit) requests, modify CIPA status, and revoke existing CIPA.
Maintain ELNO IDAllows users to link their ELNO ID number (required once only).
My Details | Change PasswordAllows users to update their details and password at any time during the session.
MessagesIndicates the number of current revenue-specific messages.

Client profile page

When you have selected the Revenue Type, you will be taken to your Client Profile page.  From here, you can access core duties functions.

The client profile page will display different functions depending on whether you selected Online Duties or Duties Lodgments.

Function Online Duties OSR Duties Lodgments Action
Home Returns you to the Revenue Online landing page.
New Transaction Create a new lodgment.
Search Transactions Search previously lodged and saved transactions.
Return Summary   View bundles associated with your current or previously lodged monthly returns.
Lodge Return and Pay   Lodge and pay your monthly return. This will include all transactions in the month where you have printed their certificates of duty. 
Pay   Pay for assessed transactions using your CIPA.
Notifications   View and manage notifications for transactions you have lodged.
Manual Backup - Generate/Regenerate   Generate Manual Backup Certificates.
Manual Backup - Validate   Validate Manual Backup Certificates. Only to be used when Online Duties is unavailable and you have received written authorisation from the Commissioner.
Transaction Log Displays all customer initiated transactions.
Account Enquiry Displays assessed transactions and any payments made using your CIPA.

Notifications (Duties Lodgments)

Your Current Notifications are displayed on your Client Profile page. It is important to manage these via the Notifications menu option so that only notifications for current transactions are displayed on your Client Profile page. This makes it easier to see when a request for further information has been received, an assessment notice has been issued or when a transaction has been endorsed and the certificates can be printed.

To manage the notifications that display on your Client Profile page, click Notifications in the left menu.

You can mark notifications as read or unread.

You can also archive older notifications.

  • When you archive completed transactions, only notifications for current transactions are displayed on your Client Profile screen.
  • To archive notifications, tick the boxes against the relevant notifications, then click Mark as and select Archive.
  • Access archived notices by changing the Status to either Archived or All.

Type data in the field above the column or choose from the selection in the dropdown list to search notifications by: 

  • status
  • read
  • unread
  • date
  • assessing officer
  • bundle ID
  • client reference
  • dutiable transaction
  • interested parties
  • the notification type
  • notification text.

You can also sort the notification columns similar to an Excel spread sheet.

Click Close to return to your Client Profile page.

You can download or print assessment notices, general correspondence and requisition notices from the Client Profile and the Notifications page by clicking the link in the download column.

Account enquiry

From the Client Profile page, the Account Enquiry function will display a Financial Transaction List of all assessed bundles.  

You can also pay assessment notices from this screen if you have a CIPA linked.

You can search by a number of criteria and can sort the columns, similar to an Excel spreadsheet.

To view a transaction, select the transaction from the list and click View or double-click on the transaction.

As with the Transaction Log, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

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