Stage 6: Evaluate

Outlining a typical process and key considerations for most legislative reviews.

Evaluation is part of effective project management. As reviews are often cyclical, it is important to document lessons learnt and make them available to future review teams. Useful questions to guide the evaluation of a review include:

  • What worked well?
  • What did not work well?
  • Is there anything that should be done differently?
  • How were the resources of the review managed? Were they sufficient?
  • Were there any significant impediments and, if so, how were they overcome?
  • What sources of knowledge (publications and people) were helpful during the review?

Sharing the evaluation findings with agency staff builds corporate knowledge on conducting reviews. This is particularly important for agencies that review legislation regularly.

The Commission can consider using your review as a case study by emailing  

Case Study 7: Evaluation

After Landgate concluded its review of the Land Information Authority Act 2006, an evaluation was conducted. This resulted in Landgate creating in-house guidelines for conducting future reviews every 5 years, as required by the legislation’s review clause.

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