Step 4: The State Training Board's Establishment and Variation of Apprenticeships Committee

At this step of the process; the proposal to establish or vary an apprenticeship is delegated to the Board's Establishment and Variation of Apprenticeships Committee (EVAC) for review.

The Establishment and Variation of Apprenticeships Committee (EVAC) considers the proposal and may consult with other stakeholders as required, including the Department of Training and Workforce Development. The Board then makes recommendation/s to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development regarding the proposal. 

Matters considered include the following.

  • Qualification to be classified (Class A or B – whether a training contract only, or not)
  • Type of apprenticeship* (whether the person will be called apprentice, trainee, cadet or intern)
  • Occupation/title of apprenticeship
  • Nominal duration
  • Part time arrangements (if applicable)
  • School-based arrangements (if applicable)
  • Any special conditions (eg pre-entry requirements) 

Please note: If a proposal is rejected at any stage, the proponent will be notified. Otherwise, notification will occur at the end of the process.

*Apprenticeship means any employment-based training scheme whether termed an apprenticeship, traineeship, cadetship or internship.

View the next step: Minister involvement and decision in the EVAC process

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